14-28. Water Peach Kingdom (1)

Satou está aqui. É uma história comum em terra por um rei para ser agraciado seu trono pelo deus. Estou intrigado para ver como ele está em um mundo com deuses em realidade.

“Potato ~?”
“É mais um nanodesu batata-san.”

As orelhas de Pochi e Tama que apareciam na barraca caiu em desânimo.
Nós re em uma das áreas de alimentos na capital real de Rumooku Unido.

o dirigível turnê está programada para chegar amanhã, mas desde que eu descobri que havia um festival aqui, fomos em frente para tratar-nos com alguns passeios turísticos.

vamos incógnita neste momento para isso temos separados em três equipes formadas por três a cinco pessoas cada. Seria muito a atenção se estivéssemos todos juntos.
Eu vou estar indo com uma equipe diferente a cada duas horas.
Os membros da primeira equipe são as meninas Beastkin, Lady Karin e Zena-san.

“Vocês de outro país? Rumooku tem um monte de pratos feitos com dieta de batata que você vê. ”

um lojista apekin tenda mostrou-nos algumas batatas de cor branca.
Ele apresentou algumas batatas descascadas cortadas para nós.

” Se você acha que eu estou mentindo, tente comer essas batatas dieta fatias . ”
” Deite ~? ”
” Mentir é ruim nodesuyo? ”

Pochi e Tama que foram atraídos pelas batatas cortadas farejou o cheiro.
Sendo hesitante em morder um todo vegetal cru é algo que acontece muito em programas de TV sobre dieta.

” fatiado e picado ~? ”
” Pochi pensa batatas são mais saborosos cozidos ou assados de nodesu cru. ”

Tama e Pochi que tomaram as batatas cortadas mordiscou-los.

” é uma batata. ”
” é inesperadamente saboroso desuwa. ”
” –É, isn ‘t-lo. ”

Depois que os dois, Liza e Lady Karina tentou-los, e Zena-san que perdeu para a pressão dos pares também tomou.

” e quanto a você jovem mestre? ”
” Eu poderia muito bem, por favor. ”

perder para o apekin olhar de idade homem, eu também tentou fazê-lo depois de todos.

a textura se sente como uma cenoura, o sabor é leve, como uma batata aquecido.
é difícil dizer que é ruim, mas não é ruim o suficiente para torná-lo uma careta.

“é a dieta de batata uma especialidade por aqui? ”
” Sim, parece que ele só cresceu neste país– ”

Eu perguntei o lojista sobre isso desde que eu nunca viu a batata no Real Capital de Shiga Unido que tinha muito de alimentos em circulação, acabou ele é um proibida commodities para exportar.

“Sim, no passado, o herói rei Yamato-sama disse ao rei que” é [Calirozeo] por isso não ‘, você vê. ”

–Eu acho que ele significa zero caloria? Vou pedir Hikaru-se mais tarde.

“Se você só comer dieta Potatoe você vai perder peso e morrer, algo assim?”
“Oh, o que, você já sabia né. É isso mesmo, é bom se você comê-lo com outros alimentos , mas misteriosamente parece que você vai morrer se você só comer dieta de batata. Eu não me sinto doente, embora eu tenha comido por 40 anos, alguma história estranha que a própria. ”

como esperado, parece que é um alimento de baixa caloria como konjac.
Eu gostaria de vendê-los na forma de pó para os nobres, como forma de fazer dieta.

Eu me sentiria mal se apenas se provar a sua comida, então eu comprei as batatas dieta e bagas envolvido por várias pessoas.
Eu coloquei o porções para outras equipes em meu armazenamento enquanto fingindo que estava colocá-los em minha bolsa.

“master ~?”

ouvidos de Tama estão se contraindo.

“Não há cheiro de carne grelhada de lá nodesu! deve ser lobo ou urso nodesu carne!”

Pochi quem é balançando o rabo tão duro como ele ia ficar arrancada chama a minha manga e salta ao redor.

“Mestre, eu estarei indo para verificá-los.”
“Tama também ~?”
“Pochi também quer verificar nodesu!”

Aparentemente, Tama, Pochi e até mesmo Liza está cansado já com as batatas.
Depois de declarar isso com rostos afiados, tomaram a iniciativa de seguir em frente e explorar onde a carne era.

“Pochi, Tama, espere!”

Lady Karina perseguido as meninas Beastkin impaciente.

“em seguida, vamos lá também. ”
” Sim, Satou-san. ”

Zena-san sorriu quando eu trocadas olhar com ela, nós caminhamos para a multidão, onde os quatro desapareceu.
seria ruim se eu perdi de vista Zena-san neste multidão congestionada por isso juntou as mãos com ela.

“–O segundo príncipe não concordava com isso certo?”
“Sim, ele secamente recusou dizendo que as doninhas não pode ser confiável.”

atenta habilidade Orelhas pego essa conversa do além a multidão.
Eu poderia ter se tornado um pouco mais sensível à palavra “doninha”.

“Mesmo sem vocês não há como a realeza deste país iria concordar em permitir que qualquer um busca tesouros no Castelo caído.”
“por que isso? Vai possível para melhorar o financiamento deste pobre país que você sabe. O próprio príncipe poderia usá-lo para aumentar o seu direito de sucessão precedência? ”

Olhando para o mapa, parece aqueles que falam é um comerciante weaselkin e um aventureiro alto nível do Império Saga.
O aventureiro do sexo feminino é de nível 39, bastante coisa.

” Só você caras que calcular coisas como essa. Há uma lenda que dizia que os ancestrais dos direitos autorais deste reino estavam vivendo no Castelo caído – o castelo flutuante da Princesa Sombra. Os poucos que sobreviveram quando caiu neste país construiu este reino …. colocar as mãos naquele castelo não é muito diferente de invadir seu ancestral local grave. ”
” Fumu, parece que eu esqueci que os seres humanos são criaturas que colocam sua prioridade em coisas irracionais “.

de acordo com o Livro de turismo, the Fallen Castelo o aventureiro mencionado é uma antiga ruína localizada na floresta para o nordeste deste reino.
a julgar pelo mapa, o centro da floresta do nordeste é um mapa diferente, provavelmente é isso.

“Poderíamos construir uma nave-mãe do céu que poderia superar a Grande Monstrous peixe se só nós temos em nossas mãos a parte central do Castelo caído ….”
“isto é, se você pode fazer isso certo? Aquele lugar é um labirinto onde herói do mesmo Shiga Unido Rei Yamato que desafiou o lugar há 600 anos fugiu de. Vai ser uma história diferente se você está devastando única imediações entrada, mas desafiando a parte interna é praticamente um suicídio. Eu sei desde que eu vi o absurdo de heróis por Hayato. ”

Estou intrigado com a parte central do Castelo caído …. mas eu não quero invadir uma tumba.
Parece que Hikaru havia entrado no lugar uma vez , vou perguntar a ela sobre isso mais tarde.

“–então, como sobre o trabalho de carregar essa ferramenta mágica para o Castelo caído?”
“Huh? O que é isso ovo? ”
” Uma criatura mágica para investigação vai aparecer se você recita a palavra de comando. Vou pagar-lhe 100 moedas de ouro se você pode levar este dentro. ”
” É difícil de usar o dinheiro do seu país. Vou fazê-lo por 150 moedas de ouro de Shiga Unido ou 75 moedas de ouro do Império Saga. ”
” Muito bem, eu vou pagar com moedas de ouro Shiga Unido. 30 moedas de ouro de antecedência, 120 depois. ”
” Entendi, assim– ”

Uma voz reservados quebrou minha concentração no meio da conversa sinistra.

” Satou-san, há algo de errado? ”
” Não, não era apenas alguém que se parecia com um conhecido meu, mas parece que eu estava enganado. ”

Eu fiz alguma desculpa difusa desde Zena-san parecia preocupado.

parece que os dois de mais cedo ter ido para a pousada para falar em privado.
tem cheiro de problema, então eu vai colocar marcadores sobre eles por agora.

enquanto eu caminhava na rua durante a troca de alguma conversa inofensiva com Zena-san, vimos a cabeça de um monstro gigante para além da multidão.

“Essa parece ser a fonte do cheiro.”
” I-é que um monstro? ”
” Sim, aparentemente é um monstro chamado Fortress Tiger. ”

Eu vi seu bicho de pelúcia no museu Ducado Capital naquela época.

parece um tigre Fortaleza que foi derrotado pelos soldados é apresentado como um dos as principais atrações do festival.
Um fogão temporária foi colocado ao lado da perna traseira do Fortress Tiger, e parece que as pessoas podem comer de graça.

Talvez devido ao cheiro desagradável, as pessoas próximas não estão se aproximando, só pessoas com roupas pobres e homens que pareciam ser manual trabalhadores estão recebendo os espetos de carne e prato de guisado.

Quando eu estava assistindo, as meninas Beastkin voltou com espetos em suas mãos.

“é como nanodesu carne wyvern.”
” ele tem resistência e chewiness não faz isso. ”

as meninas Beastkin está mastigando a carne.

” Mestre, nós temos assegurado o compartilhamento de todos. ”
” Sim, obrigado. ”
” Bon appétit “.
” Eu sou, um, cheio assim – ”
” Entendido, vou assumir total responsabilidade de espeto de carne de Zena-sama. ”

Eu tomo o espeto de carne Liza distribui.

…. Como posso dizer isto, em cima da sola de sapato-como textura, cheiro besta escorre para fora com cada mordida.
Francamente, é ruim.

Pochi comeu o restante, mas eu não acho que nunca vou comer outro da carne.

é claro que eu pensava que na minha mente, eu não disse isso alto.
isso porque há pessoas que estão freneticamente comer a carne dura e desagradável ao redor.

Lady Karina desistiu e Tama eliminados ela sobra.

“soft! Até eu posso comer isso. ”
” Você é incrível mocinha. Mesmo avó que não tem qualquer dente restante pode comê-lo! ”

Quando olhei para a direção de pessoas foram sorri feliz em, vi Lulu cozinhar ao lado da Fortaleza de tigre com uma faca de cozinha na mão.
Parece que ela foi incapaz de única assistir as pessoas em dificuldades e foi para ajudar.

Arisa, Mia, ea princesa estão por trás de Lulu.

Arisa que notou me fez um “olhar para o relógio” gesto.
Parece que é sobre o tempo.

“Hee, um esquema entre aventureiros e weaselkins huh. ”

Eu secretamente disse a coisa sobre os dois mais cedo para Arisa.
Eu não posso exatamente dizer que é um esquema, mas estou um pouco incomodado com isso.

Mia, Lulu ea princesa estão desfrutando de xarope de amido de malte juntos.
a princesa que viu seu primeiro xarope de amido é cheia de curiosidade.

“Você amassa duas varas como esta rodada e volta e vai ser saborosa.”

Lulu é ensinar a princesa a maneira de comer xarope de amido, talvez porque a princesa que está agindo como uma criança olha bonito.

Mia canta mágica da água [tapa amasse] para amassar o xarope de amido instantaneamente, enquanto balançando.
Esta mágica é uma mágica original I feito pelo pedido de Mia quando foram se hospedar na cidade labirinto.
estou desperdiçando a habilidade que eu tenho se eu me dizê-lo.

“Nn, leve.”

ao andar em torno das barracas e comer o xarope de amido, ouvimos gritos e som xilofone-like da rua principal para a frente.

“Eu me pergunto o que é? Vamos vê-lo! ”
” Nn, vamos. ”

Arisa e Mia puxar minhas mãos e começar a correr.

” Tina-sama, vamos também. ”
” Y-sim. ”

Lulu que está puxando a mão da princesa também seguem atrás nós em passos rápidos.

Nós estamos separados um pouco longe, mas Lulu deve estar bem.
Eu ouvi alguns gritos de arruaceiros para trás, mas ele deve ter sido minha imaginação.

Com a força de Arisa e Mia que são de nível 60, embora eles são pequeno, nós empurrar-nos para um lugar onde podemos ver a rua principal.
o papel de pedir desculpas às pessoas que estão olhando para nós em aborrecimento inevitavelmente cai para mim.

“parece um pouco como um float.”
“Sim, a única coisa que parece um santuário portátil com rodas como esse, eu acho “?
<TLN: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Float_ (desfile)>

Eu não me lembro da classificação precisa, então eu explicou a Mia hazily.
Arisa faz uma viseira com as mãos sobre a cabeça e olha para a bóia de vir aqui.
parece difícil ver para eles assim que eu levantar os dois para torná-lo mais fácil.

“Uoooou …. Obrigado.”
” . graças ”

. Eu sorrio de volta para Arisa que ficou surpreso porque de repente a ser levantado e Mia, e assistir o flutuador juntamente com Lulu e a princesa que já se encontrou com a gente

os flutuadores são, a partir do primeiro; [A silhueta passo do Castelo], [A Princesa de cabelo rosa e um príncipe preto de cabelos que estão sentados na varanda-like Coloque em um castelo] e [As Filhas Noble vestindo roupas Attendant] flutua.
Os soldados caminhando ao lado do flutuadores estão vestindo pano preto campo em todo o seu corpo, eles se parecem com bonecas feitas de sombra.

não há dúvida de que eles são festival flutua para adorar os ancestrais dos Rumooku Unido e Castelo caído que saiu na conversa entre o aventureiro do sexo feminino e o weaselkin anterior.

de acordo com a leitura AR, a princesa de cabelo rosa parece ser o sexto princesa do Rumooku Unido.
Parecendo princesa menea, ela é uma menina bonita de sete anos de idade, que parece estar calmo e tranquilo.

“Hoje Rumia-sama olha graciosa não ela. ”
” isso é porque ela está agindo como a Princesa Sombra neste festival. ”
” ela normalmente montava um cavalo com seus príncipes irmão, por isso é difícil imaginá-la assim. ”

a julgar pela conversa das pessoas ao redor, o sexto princesa é originalmente uma menina animada -. não
de acordo com a leitura AR, nome do sexto princesa é Rimia. De acordo com sua conversa, que é a irmã gêmea do quinto princesa Rumia.
Princesa Rimia provavelmente tem pequenas exposições aos cidadãos.

O menino de cabelos negros que está sentado ao seu lado parece ser o verdadeiro quarta príncipe de doze anos de idade.
Desde o Royalty parece ser tudo de cabelo rosa, ele provavelmente está usando uma peruca preta.

Depois de assistir os flutuadores,

“Kyaa, eu sinto muito.”
“Por favor, me desculpe também. você está bem?”
“Un, eu estou bem. ”

Eu vi cabelo rosa sob a capa da menina pedindo desculpas.
Ela é provavelmente a quinta princesa rumores, Rumia quem os cidadãos falou sobre durante o desfile antes.

Parece que a animada princesa está apreciando o festival em segredo.
Alguns soldados e empregadas que parecem ser seu escoltas estão vindo do outro lado da multidão.

Princesa Rumia olhou para trás e, em seguida, correu para um beco estreito com pressa.

lugar –Isso é ruim.

Minha habilidade ouvidos atentos ouviu um pequeno grito e o som de algo sendo colocado em um saco.

Acho que é inevitável.
Eu coloquei off juntando com Hikaru e os outros e foi para o beco estreito.

“o que diabos você quer”
“Oy oy parar com a sua atitude ameaçadora súbita. Olhe para isso, o garoto rico é tremendo. ”

Dois gorilas estão olhando para mim ao amarrar um saco.

O cara sênior aparência de cabeça vazia pegou um machado e lambeu-o para me mostrar.
É uma situação que aparece muitas vezes em uma história , mas gostaria de saber se a língua é cortado?

“o que ya um sorriso no rosto! Você está zombando de nós! ”

Talvez porque eu estava pensando o que quer que assim o bandido desceu seu cutelo e meu ombro.
Eu levemente evadido, circulou atrás dele, e chutou a bunda grande, fazendo-o voar para alguns destroços no chão.

” Como ouso você– ”

Quando o outro bandido soltou a mão do saco e tirou um punhal, mandei-o voar com a minha mão.

com um whomp, o grito do bandido sênior ressoou no beco de volta.
Eu não destinam-se especialmente para ele , mas parece que eu bater a bola de frente.

Como os dois que foram enredados tentou se levantar, eu colheu a sua consciência com um stunner feito com relâmpago Stone.

Antes de libertar a princesa do saco eu uso luz mágica para esconder meu rosto.
não há nenhuma necessidade de levantar uma bandeira com uma menina.

“você está ferido em algum lugar?”
“U-un. Eu estou bem – Farsa ”
“! Princesa-sama ”

. A princesa pasmo a chamou conhecido na rua com grande voz
Os cavaleiros acompanhantes que seguiram por trás e notei que o distúrbio no beco sacaram suas espadas e levantou-se para proteger a princesa.

“Tem a escolta de sua Alteza?”
“é isso mesmo, quem é você.”
“Eu não sou digno o suficiente para dar o meu nome. Eu só salvou a princesa desde que eu vi as duas pessoas ali tentando seqüestrá-la, eu vou deixar o resto para você. ”
” Oy, wait– ”

Eu ignorei o cavaleiro me chamando e chutou teto do beco para passar para o telhado, então eu cancelado a magia luz e deformado ao lugar perto Hikaru e os outros.

“Floating Castelo feita por Deus, a bela moça com cabelo rosa vai ser a noiva de Deus–”

Após o encontro com Hikaru e os outros, persuadido por Sera, fomos para assistir a um show que estava atuando em um espaço aberto nas proximidades.
o programa parece ser de cerca de fundação deste país.

os atores que não são boas, mas o cenário é bastante coisa.
Além disso, a mulher que está jogando como a bela donzela é bastante atraente e fascinante.

“Tem Mito já passou no interior do Castelo caído?”
“Un, entrei com o pedido do rei naquele tempo, mas as sombras sentinelas que estavam protegendo a sala mais íntima eram demasiado forte para Eu escapei “.
” Yama -? Mito-sama fez ”
” Un, cada um deles não era tão forte quanto maior demônio, mas eles continuavam a reaparecer toda vez que eu derrotado um– ”

Nana vira o rosto para nós, que está conversando.

“você deveria ficar quieto quando você está assistindo o jogo, então eu avisar.”
“” “Lamentamos.” “”

é a coisa certa a fazer, então eu assistir o jogo em silêncio depois.

Durante o clímax do jogo, um grupo de pessoas que montam cavalos passava pela rua principal e, em seguida, os cavaleiros do reino foi ruidosamente com o som de sua armadura confronto metal, clank clank.

“maus modos para que eu criticar.”

Nana é de mau humor desde a falta de tato som perturbou o clímax do jogo.

no palco, a cena do mal deus combates com cabeça de cão contra o deus principal branco continua.
o deus esplendidamente matou o deus do mal, mas o deus do mal utilizada uma mágica antes de morrer eo flutuante castelo caiu.
príncipe ea princesa de cabelos rosa apareceu a partir do castelo caído, e foram informados de que a sua mãe que era a esposa do deus tinha morrido.

“parece que os deuses e os humanos não estão destinados a ficar juntos …. o meu amado crianças, que distribuísse sangue e bênção ‘tis a vós. Construir um bom país “.
” À sua vontade, o pai -. Não, Grande Deus-sama ”

A última cena parece ser uma bênção divina que são comuns entre a realeza.

Antes de se juntar com os outros eu abri o mapa desde que eu estava incomodado um pouco, mas parece que a equitação anteriormente não está relacionado com o aventureiro do sexo feminino ea weaselkin que estavam falando de algo obscuro antes. Este último parece estar no Real Capital agora.

e então, depois nos encontramos, fomos capazes de garantir um quarto privado no melhor restaurante da cidade de acordo com o primeiro-ministro Posto Book.
Normalmente, não deve haver qualquer espaço livre durante um festival, mas desde que alguém que fez uma reserva cancelada o quarto devido a um negócio urgente , que caiu durante essa chance.

o menu é uma montanha de pequenas tortas feitas a partir da dieta Potatoe nós comemos no meio-dia.
batata e cogumelo tortas, dieta de batata e de mirtilo tortas, Dieta Potatoe e tortas veados renais, plantas desconhecidas cozidos para a salada e batata descascada dieta fatias e puré de batata são empilhados.
Como de costume, o menu consistiu principalmente de Dieta batata, mas o prato principal, toda a assado de um cervo gigante azul chifre que os caçadores contratados do restaurante tem aparecido.
a refeição começou com a vantagem da Arisa “Itadakimasu”, como de costume.

“a carne delicioso ~?”
“Não há carne neste nodesu torta.”
“Mestre, por favor, aproveite este cervo ensopado de carne tendão. A cartilagem que tem sido cozidos juntos com ele é crocante e saboroso. ”

Eu coloquei os pratos recomendados pelas meninas Beastkin em minha boca em turnos.
O veado grelhado que Tama recomendado foi gordos com sabor leve, muito delicioso.
A torta de rim Tentei comer em um restaurante britânico no passado foi bastante degradado eu não poderia comê-lo, mas a torta de rim aqui foi muito delicioso, eu não sabia se era porque o chef era bom ou o rim estava fresco. Houve um pouco de de cheiro único, mas foi bem escondida pela erva, ele foi bastante satisfatório o suficiente.

o ensopado de espessura Liza recomendado estava quente e me senti bem no estômago.
não posso ficar cansado de verde-de-bico-como feijão misturados dentro. faz me querendo um pouco de vinho.

“Mwuu, torta de cogumelos.”
“Espere um minuto, não colocar que muitos à placa.”

Eu parei de Mia que empurrou sua recomendação e lidou com isso depois de limpar o prato pela primeira vez.

Como nós comemos os saborosos pratos prazer, eu estou ouvindo uma conversa perturbadora de fora da sala privada.
a parede aqui parece ser fino.

“–looks como o local do festival Princesa Sombra foi assaltado.”
“o site fez?”
“Quem maldita fez. ”
” é o príncipe ea princesa no bem site? ”

é provavelmente sobre o jovem príncipe e princesa que estavam no desfile do meio-dia.

” isso é …. parece Rumia-sama foi sequestrado. ”
” que tal o príncipe e os soldados de guarda-los? ”
” o príncipe é seguro. Os soldados estavam, com paralisante envenenado liquor–. ”

Parece que alguns problemas surgiu diante.

Don’t Fear the Reaper

Chapter 28 – Obedience Thru Suffering

“Hello Shom, you seem surprised.” Hall raised his hand to greet the approaching Nephesh-Tova.

“We are never surprised.” He motioned Hall to follow. “But your success is still rather… unexpected. The change has already affected our community. You have our gratitude.”

You don’t sound very grateful though…

Most of the white figures ignored Hall when Shom lead him to one of the shelves.

“Here is your reward. Our debt has been paid.” The Nephesh’s voice held no trace of warmth.

Quest: Man in the Box
Quest complete

You destroyed the darkness that threatened to overwhelm the labyrinth under Roselake and saved the Nephesh-Tova and their gathered knowledge.

Quest requirements:

Skill book: Soul Weaving

You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!

Hall took the small book from Shom’s fragile hand and, after hesitating, put it away. “There’s something else I need from you.”

“Speak, Harbinger.”

“I would like more access to your library.”

Shom’s haggard face showed no reaction, but his words emitted frost. “I think we’ll just take the ledger back.”

A thin voice interrupted him. “Wait a minute, brother.” Another Nephesh-Tova approached them. He leaned heavily on a cane, his skin almost transparent. While all Nephesh-Tova looked old and fragile, this one seemed ancient. “I think we should be a bit kinder toward our savior.”

“It’s not about kindness, elder. This is about our task. We are not at liberty to give this knowledge away. Maybe an unrelated weapon or some treasure we picked up. Gold or jewelry. But our knowledge?” Shom waved his hand and raised his voice. “There is no room for debate.”

The elder remained unfazed. “This human not only vanquished the darkness in the labyrinth, but also defeated Benmal’ach. You know we’ve been fearing his return for centuries. There has to be something.”

Hall had listened carefully and waited for the moment Shom’s resolve weakened. “How about a trade?”

Both Nephesh-Tova turned toward him, their eyeless gazes looking at him in expectation.
Hall summed the soul gem from his inventory and handed it to the old Nephesh. “I took this from an old noble woman who controlled several enslaved undead with it. You said your purpose was to look for the Sorian heritage. I assume there’s more out there and a lot of it equally problematic.” Both nodded slowly. “Then how about a deal? In exchange for access to your library, I’ll send you whatever I find.”

“Are you sure?” asked the elder. He sounded uncertain. “Despite what my brother says, we owe you more than we could ever repay.”

Shom’s hand trembled slightly when he picked up the soul gem. “Yes, this trade seems beneficial. We won’t lose knowledge, but come closer to achieving our goal.”

“It’s surely beneficial to you.” Hall shrugged. “But I need that knowledge. And not only what you have on the Sorian heritage, all of it. History, monsters, war and kingdoms, current and past. Whatever you have.”

“Certainly.” Shom almost waved him off and quickly put the soul gem into his pocket, as if afraid Hall would take it back. “Send everything to us, even if you’re unsure. We’ll return it if it doesn’t concern us. You can access our storage from every city with a branch bank.”

“Deal! And don’t hold back, I bet others would pay too.”

Shom pressed his thin lips together, but only nodded.

“Great, now that that’s taken care of…” Hall scratched the back of his head and carefully said, “Do you remember the blades I wore before?”

“Yes, magnificent weapons of great power. An irreplaceable ancestry worth preserving for millennia to come.” Indifference returned to Shom’s expression after his short lapse.

“About that.” Hall removed the shards of metal from his inventory and held them in his open palms. “They kind of… broke”

Shom and the elder replied with silence and Hall could have sworn it got even colder in the cave.

“They broke? They broke?” While Shoom had discussed the death of his comrades calmly, his voice trembled when looking at the shards Hall had presented.

“I know it’s a longshot, but can they be repaired?” Hall asked.

“Brother, why don’t you return to our tasks and let me take care of the young harbinger?” The older Nephesh placed his frail hand on Shom’s shoulder.

“Yes, elder.” His skin almost cracked over what little muscle still remained stuck to his bones. “Harbinger, I thank you for your service. But never forget your responsibilities toward this world or be doomed to suffer the fate of those before you.”

The elder’s features softened for a moment and he shook his head at the leaving Shom. “I’m sorry. The Nephesh-Tova are very single minded and we don’t have a lot of room for compassion or understanding.”

“No problem,” Hall said. “But I’m curious, why is that? Your souls—or at least what I see—are pure white, shouldn’t you be saints, or angels, walking on this world?”

“You’re too young, Harbinger.” The elder led Hall toward the edge of the cave where a large workbench leaned against the rune covered wall. Countless tools and materials occupied every inch of its dark surface.

“I hope you don’t think this world is so simple that you can just separate it in black and white. No, not even in shades of grey. This world is… complicated and its beings even more so.”

“What about the Ra’a, they seemed pretty straight forward. Evil, simple as that.”

The elder chuckled and shook his head. “They may be pure darkness, but they are mindless. So, are they truly evil? If a flaming inferno destroys a city and claims the lives of thousands, can it be called evil? It is within its nature, it consumes.” He picked up a piece of coal from the table and crushed it in his palm. “And so are we, the Nephesh-Tova. An extreme, unable to go against our nature. We exchanged compassion for dedication. Empathy for strength. We are but drones of a greater will, unable to do evil, but unwilling to help evil. And if you’re pure light, everything around you is darkness.”

Coal dust fell from his fist and a breeze picked it up, scattering it on the floor. “We are a testament to the flaw perfections brings. This is why you imperfect beings rule the world, while light and darkness fight to gain your allegiance.”

Hall let the elder’s word sink in, but for now, he could only accept them. “Then what about you?”

The old man’s lips formed a smile, but it only hid pain. “We Nephesh aren’t made to grow so old. I’ve seen so many years, so many battles. Maybe the scars left some shadows on my soul, but I’ve lost my place among my brothers long ago.” He lightly touched an old wound on his chest and fell silent for a moment.

“Listen to this old man babble,” he said and rubbed his hollow cheeks. “Why don’t you let me take a closer look of what’s left of the blades?”

He made some room on his workbench and Hall placed the metal shards on it. The veins in the fragments, almost invisible before, now clearly stood out and Hall still felt a trace of his soul energy from them.

“Interesting.” The elder picked up a piece and let it slide through his fingers. He felt its edges, smelt its charred marks and tasted the soul energy that engraved itself into the steel. “Truly interesting. Yes, I think we can work with that.”

Hall’s face brightened. “You can repair it?”

“Heavens, no.” The Nephesh shook his head and chuckled. “You did well in preventing that. If you wanted to destroy it, I doubt you could have done it any better.”

“He’s a lot more talkative than his friends,” Moira said. She sounded annoyed and Lily added a nod.

“Then what can we do?” Hall asked.

“I might be able to…”
Various powders and tinctures appeared out of nowhere and the old Nephesh spread them on the smaller pieces. “No, not that.”

Hall and Lily watched in silence. Minutes passed and the elder’s expression finally lightened. “Yes, this will do.”

“What will?”

“As I said before, the swords can’t be restored, but I should be able to use these shards to craft you a new armor.” He pointed at Hall’s chest. “You could use one.”

The loss of the two blades struck a heavy blow to Hall’s fighting capabilities and, compared to his cheap armor, replacing them would be difficult. But he had destroyed them and salvaging what little benefit he could get sounded a lot better than just cutting his losses.

“That would be great, thanks,” Hall said, his features brightening.

“Not so fast.” The elder raised his palm. “I need a lot more equipment and it will take me a while to get this done.”

Jorn and Shep expected Hall in Roselake, but only at the end of the week in real life, which gave him a little less than 3 days. “What do you need?”

“The soul gem you gave Shom, there are smaller ones, very similar, but far less powerful.” He picked up a small crystal from his table and showed it to Hall. “These are called soul shards, I need a lot of them.”

Lily and Moira giggled, but Hall didn’t even twitch. “I may have picked up a few here and there. How many is a lot? I assume they are quite valuable.”

“The more, the better. And I wouldn’t call them valuable. There won’t be many places you can sell them. Only few can gather them, but even fewer can use them. They are similar to elemental shards in that regard.”

“What are elemental shards?” Hall asked.

The Nephesh put the soul shard away and grabbed a handful of different crystals. Their color ranged from red and green to yellow and blue, but they all carried a spark of light within.

“The crystallized energy of the elements. Though, like soul shards, only those with special affinities can collect them, there’s a significant difference. Everybody can use the common elemental shards. They just have to be placed in sockets to improve items or can be used as basic material,” the elder explained. He let the crystals fall through his fingers and one by one they dropped to the ground, reflecting the cave’s cold light on their smooth surface.

Hall had never heard of anything like it, but the game still held so much mystery that he was not surprised, but curious instead. Might want to look that up online.

In the next few seconds dozens of soul shards piled up on the workbench until none remained in Hall’s inventory. “Is this enough?”

“This… is a lot.” The elder coughed to dispel his surprise. “Looks like you were busy.”

Hall only smiled. “What about the other materials?”

“I’ll take care of that. Just come back in around 10 days.” The elder waved him off. “Think of it as a gift for your deeds. Especially taking care of Benmal’ach. I wanted to reward you the moment you defeated him and I’m glad I can do it now.”

After expressing his gratitude, Hall and Lily left the cave behind and returned to the dark tunnels of the labyrinth.

Hall narrowed his eyes. “Hey, have you guys seen the old one the last time we’ve been here?”

Lily hesitated, but shook her head. “Don’t know. They all look so similar. Why?”

“No real reason. What about you Moira?”

“Maybe, after all, I must have. But I’m not sure.”

Hall scratched the back of his head and stared into the darkness. Did the game create him only to reward me for defeating Benmal’ach? Or is it just a coincidence? The game’s AI couldn’t have guessed I’d come here, right? Maybe it just took the resources available and made the best out of it.

But once again, he could only make assumptions and that wouldn’t be of any help to him. So, he took out the skill book he had worked so hard for—soul weaving.

“Finally,” Hall brushed over the cracked binding, “Learn!”

A bright light enveloped him and illuminated the dark tunnels around them. But it faded quickly and left an even deeper darkness behind.

You have gained a new skill!


Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience:
Soul Weaving Beginner 1 0%
The art to create, process and combine artifacts imbued with soul energy and influence the world around you with the power of your soul.

Can temporarily combine items already imbued with your soul energy

+3 intelligence
+2 wisdom

It’s a start I guess.

“So,” Lily looked at him expectantly. “What can you do?”

“Maybe…” He took out his scythe, held it with his left hand and grabbed the end of his chain with his right. “This.”

Hall closed his eyes and he could immediately tell a difference in the energy he poured into his chains. Nothing changed in terms of its strength, but he felt it more clearly as if he could actually grasp it.

The energy flowed through the chain on his right wrist, slowly, so he could sense its path, its aura and its will. And he could reform it, guide it forward and back, thicken it and force it out. Thanks to the skill, his level of control had reached new heights.

Tendrils of light emerged from the chain’s end and closed in on the scythe blade. The dark metal greeted it with a brimming glow. Bright vines intertwined, coiled around the steel and formed a solid connection. When the light dispersed, a new link had formed between the chain and the blade, connecting them.

A smile spread on his face and with a wave of his hand, Hall dispelled the link and separated the two again. “That’s handy, though it seems a bit restrictive.”

“Don’t worry,” Moira said. “This is only its first application. There should be a lot more this skill is capable of.”

“Good.” Hall nodded and connected his chain and scythe once more. “For now, the chain will replace the grip. Let’s see what we can do with this.”

Hall grabbed the end of the chain where it connected to the scythe and let the glowing links slip through his fingers. A heavy thud resounded in the tunnel as the blade hit the ground. He tightened the grip around his chain, strengthened his stance and swung.

Energy coursed through his arm and flowed into the chain and scythe. A wide grin spread on his face as the weapon rotated faster and faster and cut through the cold air. His energy stiffened and reinforced the chain, keeping the weapon from straying off its path. The buzzing sound grew louder and Hall’s arm trembled until he couldn’t hold on anymore.

The chain slipped through his fingers and the blade clashed with the low hanging ceiling. Lily screeched and dove to safety when the recoiling weapon headed toward her.

“Hall, be careful.”

“Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled. “But I doubt it would have hurt you.”

“Still,” she looked at him reproachfully, “you don’t throw big scythes at frail maidens.”

“True, let’s find us some more suitable targets. Moira, I bet the Nephesh’s map has some nice hunting grounds, so how about you tell us where to go?”

So, they once again entered the labyrinth’s dark tunnels, this time in search for experience and training. After all, a decent weapon requires mastering.


“Young master Steven, your gentlemen friends have arrived to accompany you to school,” an old man in a butler suit said, bowing.

“Good,” Steve straightened the tie on his neck, “Tell them I’ll be there in a minute. Father wanted to see me.”

He walked down luxurious hallways, past expensive paintings and vain decorations he never even looked at. His footsteps echoed through the vast mansion, but nobody was there to hear them.

A heavy door made of dark wood lead to his father’s study. He placed his hand on the door handle, but hesitated and knocked instead. “Father, it’s me.”

“You’re late.”

He entered the large office and, as always, his heartbeat quickened in front of the massive desk. For as long as he could remember, his father had just sat there on the other side, a disapproving look in his eyes. No matter how much he had grown, that fact had never changed.

“Apologies. The war preparations for Roselake are taking up more time than I thought.” Steve put his hands behind his back and clenched both fists.

His father looked up from his documents and took off his reading glasses. “I entrusted you with this important task. I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

“Don’t worry, we will own the city soon.” Steve forced himself to return his father’s piercing gaze. “No matter the outcome.”

“Good. That’s what I’ve taught you. In a situation where two forces collide, control both.”

“Yes, father. The king is already dependent on our troops and has given us command of what little force he has left. If he gets in our way, we’ll dispose of him.”

“We put enough funds in it, so that is to be expected.” The man in his fifties looked down again and scribbled a few numbers on a sheet of paper. “What about the rebels?”

“We bought most leaders and our men infiltrated their ranks. Everything is in place, both sides are about to tear each other apart,” Steve stated in a firm tone. For a while now, these conversations had been the only time he got to spend with his father and it felt like talking to his superior.

“Well, we spent enough money already. It is time we get something out of it.” His father’s hard face revealed none of his thoughts when he looked up again. “I assume nobody knows of our plans?”

“Only my squad: the twins and the two girls. You’ve met them—they won’t betray us.”

The pen in his father’s hand stopped moving. “Fool, you don’t know that. But you better make sure they would regret it if they ever did.”

“Yes, father. I have also instructed a few people to survey the situation in Norland. There are a few larger cities, but the capital, Heideborg, seems to have been almost captured by another family. However, there are still others contesting them. I don’t believe we could currently establish a foothold there.”

“Of course not. Bredon is an insignificant kingdom, but Norland is different. Most of the large families and companies will try to gain power there. But they underestimate the minor countries. To obtain a base, be it a small one, is better than losing a fight over a big city.” He turned his gaze toward  the map on one of his computer screens and nodded. “Son, do you know why we need Roselake?”

Steve hesitated. “To establish a base in the world of Novus Vita?”

“That is only the first step. A means to an end,” the man in his late fifties said. “To what end though?”


Steve’s father nodded again. “Something money won’t buy you so easily. Control. Influence. Something we are currently losing. Tell me why.”

That’s what always happened. In every conversation. No words of comfort or encouragement. Progress at any cost. Preparation for Steve’s future as the head of the company and family allowed no room for warmth and required constant questioning and study.

“After the last great war, the New Nobility—heads of the largest companies—took many rights, duties and liberties from the governments and people. A new social class was created and, in a time of need, most gladly gave up their rights for security and comfort.” Steve kept his hands behind his back and recited his answer, as if prepared for the question. Of course he was. He expected it. He always did.

“And what changed?” His father regarded the university’s education as insufficient, so he taught his son what the schools couldn’t. Knowledge necessary to stand above others.

“The world did,” Steven said. “Or more accurately, another world came into existence. From different virtual worlds to the current dominating one. Novus Vita. Sphinx established a second world and people accepted it. A world where the new nobility lost all control, all influence.”

“And I still can’t believe Sphinx doesn’t take advantage of their situation.” The white haired man shook his head. “Maybe they can’t. We don’t know their goal, but they are the largest company in the world as it stands and, for now, we have to fight for the scraps from their table.”

Steve’s face twitched. “For now it doesn’t matter. We’ll take control of Roselake and thus over the second life of thousands of people. When we control them in this world through the flow of money and in Novus Vita through guiding their behavior, it will give us a firmer standing among the New Nobility. Others have already fallen from our ranks, but we won’t let that happen.”

“Good.” His father tapped a few numbers into the keyboard next to him. “I’ll transfer some funds to your account. Plan out your next steps and as soon as you control Roselake, make sure to get a firm grip on the city.”

Steve bowed and turned to leave, but hesitated at the last moment. “Mother asked for you again, she… she isn’t well. Maybe you should go see her.”

His father’s hand stopped moving. “I’ve just seen her,” his voice trembled almost unnoticeably, “I’ll visit her again when I have time.”

Steve tightened his grip around the door handle. “It’s been over three months since you’ve went to the hospital. The doctors… you should see her.”

A heavy fist struck the table and a spark of madness entered his father’s eyes. “I said I’ll see her,” he yelled. “Now leave!”

For a moment, only the patter of rain against the window could be heard in the office. Steve opened his mouth, but then only grit his teeth and left, his words unspoken. His mother hadn’t left the hospital in years and got weaker by the day. He hadn’t heard her say more than a few sentences these last months and she always asked to see her husband.

Steve’s fingernails dug into his palms and he grimaced at the thought of the woman who once raised him. Or what was left of her. A hollow shell, only seeking for the man she loves and who once loved her. She forgot about her son, barely recognized him, her mind regressed and stuck in the past. Stuck with the memory of a man who didn’t exist anymore—the man his father used to be.

Steve shook his head violently to get rid of memories of what once was and thoughts of what could have been. He straightened his back and walked toward Rick and Dirk who waited for him in the lobby. “Let’s go. We’ll meet a few of the captains of the royal army at the university. We need to make sure they know what’s at stake.” His lips formed a cruel grin. “They shouldn’t forget who’s in control in both worlds.”


You have leveled up!

“So tired,” Hall said and dropped on his behind. He leaned against a dead tree and took a sip from his canteen. “But I actually reached level 67.”

“You fought like a madman these last days. It’s no wonder you made so much progress.” Lily sat cross-legged, hovering in the air beside him, and looked at him with concern. “Take a break.”

“Once we’re done in Roselake, we’ll take a break.” The tasteless rations he chewed increased his health regeneration and the cuts and bruises on Hall’s unarmored skin slowly began to heal. “I promised to take you to the beach after all, though that might take a while.”

“That can wait. Just don’t overwork yourself.” She bit her lips and her fingers twitched. “If I could just…”

Hall smiled at the fidgeting girl. When was the last time somebody was so concerned when he overworked himself. The most he had gotten was a curious glance when he spent day and night in the library or when the rings under his eyes had turned pitch black. But true concern? He couldn’t even remember.

Slowly, the bones of the skeletal warriors and mages he had defeated began to disappear around them. The scythe—though not the best weapon against skeletons—proved effective enough and in combination with his skills and second chain, he could annihilate them by the dozen.

His skill ‘Sound of Silence’ made the fights against the mages almost too easy and their relatively low level—between 45 and 65—turned them into easy prey.

He had only taken breaks in order to sleep a few hours and attend class, just so he could grind his way up to a higher level. Hall had felt the tense atmosphere in the university. He hadn’t realized how many of the students, professors and even administrative personnel were actually involved in the situation in Roselake. Wherever he went, people would talk about their preparations and the strategies in the upcoming battles.

Lily interrupted his thoughts when she asked, “Are we going to leave soon? I kind of miss the sky. First the labyrinth, now this underground graveyard. It’s really depressing.”

“I would have liked to get three more levels, but we don’t have the time. We’ll return to Roselake in a few hours where Shep is expecting us. We’ll have to visit our Nephesh friends first though.” Hall moved his arms to push himself off the ground, but stopped. “Let me take a quick look at the message windows first. I ignored them these last days, but I know there were a few nice things there.”

He flipped through several windows announcing he leveled up. Seems like killing enemies of the same level makes more sense than struggling against stronger ones. The experience gain doesn’t increase linearly or exponentially with the level. It’s more than likely a logarithmic growth.

You have gained a new skill!


Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience:
Scythe Mastery Beginner 1 0%
Constantly training with the scythe has increased your proficiency in combat.

Damage increased by 10%
Speed increased by 3%

+3 Strength
+2 Agility


Reminder: Due to the current use of your main hand weapon (combination of chain and scythe), the experience gained will be distributed between ‘Chain Mastery’ (80%) and ‘Scythe Mastery’ (20%)


You have gained a new title


Title: Jawbreaker
You have killed 1000 skeletons. The knowledge over their weaknesses allows you to dispose of them easier

+3 attribute points

When equipped:
+5% damage against skeletons

“Levels really don’t mean everything,” Hall mumbled. “Skills, titles, events and simple training, you’ll get attribute points for a lot of stuff.”

“Of course,” Moira said. “Judging an enemy by his level alone is foolish, but don’t forget, it still means a lot.”

Hall nodded and scratched his chin. I should check for a list with titles and skills that are easy to get. There has to be something online.

But for now, he opened his character window and put the attribute points he gained into his stats. “This should…” He quickly added up his stats and his face brightened. “Yes, it really is.”

“What is?” Lily asked.

“This.” Hall grabbed a plain, crimson ring from his inventory. The ring he found in Bathory’s castle. He had carried it for a while now and finally he fulfilled its requirements.

The Blood Count’s Last Will
Type: Ring
Quality: Unique
A ring activated by blood. Powerful and often considered evil, but in the end just a tool that will follow the wearer’s intention and adapts to his very soul.
Effects: Unlocked after the wearer’s blood is drawn. Effects depend on the user, his personality and traits, his character and class,

Strength + Agility + Intelligence + Wisdom + Vitality = 700 (base value)
Activation by blood has to be done before level 100

The ring’s red metal lit up for a moment when Hall put it on his finger.

“And?” Lily watched him curiously.

“Not sure.” Hall hesitated. “Nothing changed.”

“Your blood,” Moira said. “It should work then.”

“Right, makes sense.” Countless rusty swords and sabers, mostly scrap metal, littered the scant earth. He picked up one of them, cut his fingers and the moment a drop of blood touched the ring’s metal, a sharp pain shot through his hand. The ring bit into his flesh and dug deep, only stopping when it hit bone.

An explosion of red light drowned out their surroundings and a freezing touch grasped for Hall’s chest. The grip tightened and even froze the pain that clawed its way up his arm.

Lily gasped and rushed toward him. She clasped to his arm and tried to pull off the ring, but to no avail. More and more blood rushed into the ring and Hall’s face lost all color.

“You have to endure.” Moira’s voice resounded in his head.

“Don’t worry.” Hall pressed the words through his clenched teeth. “I was just surprised. It’s uncomfortable, but the pain isn’t too bad.”

Those words calmed his familiar, but she didn’t let go of his arm.

Hall’s vision blurred and his temperature dropped as the vampire ring continued to suck his blood.

The crimson brilliance around Hall thickened and tiny drops of light formed, hovering in the air. Every breath he took held the scent of blood and a metallic taste coated his tongue.

Seconds became minutes and when the light finally disappeared, the ring returned to its plain form. Cold, crimson metal. Flawless, but unremarkable.

You have gained a new skill!


Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience:
Under Black Flags We March Beginner 1 0%
The souls you saved offer their bodies in gratitude
In exchange for your life force, your blood, you will be able to control them for a short amount of time


  • Awaken the bodies of the enemies whose souls you have cleansed
  • To give them life, you have to sacrifice yours (every hit point they gain, you will lose. Lost health can only be restored once the Awoken perishes)
  • Awoken bodies lose their intelligence, 50% attack power and 50% speed

Duration: 10 min
Cost: 100 mana / Awakening
Limited to 3 Awoken

Requirements: Needs ‘The Blood Counts Last Will’ to transfer life force
+5 Intelligence

“Awesome.” A relaxed smile appeared on Hall’s face, the pain slowly vanished and warmth returned to his limbs. He flexed his fingers, cracked his stiff neck and pointed at the skeleton bones scattered before him. “Let’s give it a try… Awaken!” Skills could be activated differently. Either through action, through the name of the skill itself, or with the help of a short command. But even after Hall spoke the command, nothing happened. The bones remained lifeless.

Hall raised an eyebrow and tried again, but the result remained the same.
Before he could try for a third time, a sigh interrupted him. “Those creatures were given life through magic,” Moira said. “They have no soul that could offer their body to you.”

“Damn, guess we’ll try later.” Hall took another look into his inventory. The countless bone fragments and few pieces of old equipment wouldn’t get him many coins, but the experience gain more than compensated for the lack of profit. “Ah well, better than nothing. Let’s go.”

They left the underground graveyard behind and returned to the tunnels. The prospect of leaving the cold labyrinth for good lifted their spirits and they talked casually among themselves. Lily chattered happily about gathering herbs in the spring, about biscuits and cake, and about her memories of family celebrations.

Hall only listened. All the battles they had fought, all the darkness they had seen, it was good for Lily to shift her thoughts toward the light.

“What about you Moira?” Lily asked after talking about a Sunday picnic in her village. “Do you remember your past?”

Hall narrowed his eyes, but kept quiet. He knew very little of Moira, but the way Grim treated her, there was a story.

“I…” Moira hesitated.

“Sorry,” Lily hurriedly said, her eyes widening. She put her hand in front of her mouth and looked to the ground. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, it’s alright.” Moira tried to cover the sadness in her voice.  “I… I remember a little. Images of my parents. A small house, old, but cozy. A fence surrounded it and weeds grew at the edges of our garden.” Her voice brightened for a moment. “It was at the edge of a forest where I used to play and my mother would always call me when father came home and we would eat together.” She stopped for a second and swallowed. “But I also remember fire, screaming and then… nothing. I’m not sure. I want to remember and I try, but I can’t. I just can’t.”

Lily bit her lower lip while Hall scratched the back of his head. “Don’t worry, we’ll find out,” he said.

“Of course we will.” Lily’s face brimmed with resolve as she swung her fist and nodded.

“Thanks,” Moira said quietly. The darkness in the labyrinth around them lost a little of its menace and the cold air felt less stifling.

After a few hours they found their way back to the cave of the Nephesh-Tova and, while the frail figures ignored Hall, the elder greeted him with a wave of his hand.

“Welcome back, Harbinger.” He stood behind his workbench and polished a dark piece of chest armor. “I’m about done here and I have to say, if I weren’t a Nephesh, I’d be proud of my work.” He presented the armor on the table and his thin lips almost formed a smile.

Hall’s hand brushed over the peculiar material. “It doesn’t feel like metal, but it’s not leather either.” The dark chest piece almost swallowed the surrounding light, its surface somewhat rough to the touch and shards of steel placed in its center and on its side.

“See these fragments?” The elder pointed at the pieces of steel. Despite their different sizes and forms, they seemed perfectly symmetrical as if creating a path through the armor. Hall recognized the crimson lines carved into the metal. “That’s what is left of your blades.

“And you’re right,” the old Nephesh said and moved his fingers toward the rougher parts of the armor. “This is neither metal, nor leather. It’s gravewood, a millennia old, grown on a graveyard of gods.”

Hall raised an eyebrow. “Sounds rare.”

“It’s more than rare.” The elder’s hands stroked over his work. “That’s why I had only small pieces, none large enough to actually create plates.”

When Hall looked a little closer, he noticed a faint needle pattern on the armor.

“I shredded the gravewood I had left into thousands of tiny splinters. Then I ground up the mass of soul shards you supplied, added a few more materials and a whole lot of craftsmanship and formed protective plates.”

Hall picked up the armor and nodded. “It’s so light.” No lavish carvings or luxurious decorations adorned the chest piece, instead it looked as if blood seeped from it.

“Not only light, it also offers decent protection.” The elder observed Hall’s reaction closely. “But all these materials I used were for another purpose. Pour your soul energy into it, not too fast though, and watch carefully.”

Hall only hesitated for a moment before he did as the Nephesh had asked. Energy flowed from his hands and entered the armor and, making its way through the metal fragments, it then grew into a dim, red glow at the center. Once it flowed into the parts made from gravewood and soul shards, their surface gained a dark brilliance, completely different from the blue shine of his chains.

Hall smiled widely and the elder nodded, pleased with the reaction. “Because your blood and soul energy was deeply engraved into the blade shards, nobody but you will be able to use the armor. And because it’s made for you, your energy will strengthen the armor greatly. But be careful, if you push the armor to its limits, it will consume your strength rapidly.”

“This is really impressive. Thank you.”

“This isn’t close to enough to repay you, harbinger, but it’s all I can do for now.” The old Nephesh bowed his head slightly. “But if you should have any trouble, I will do my utmost to support you.”

They said their goodbyes, but before Hall left the cavern’s light behind, he put on the equipment he could finally use.

The blood count’s silk pants and shirt, deep black clothes of high quality, covered his pale skin. Surrounded by white, his dark veins stood out even more. The clothes fit well and if Hall would have owned a pair of nice shoes, he wouldn’t stand out in a nice restaurant, that is, if you disregarded his glowing eyes and terrifying aura.

He gave the new armor a closer look, fastened it over his shirt and hung his torn coat around his shoulders.

Bleeding Soul Guard
Defense: 90 Durability: 120/120
Quality: Unique Type: Chest
An incredible piece of armor created from rare materials by a craftsman at the peak of his trade. Made especially for the Death’s Harbinger, Hall, it can’t be used by anybody else.
Only after being infused with his soul energy, it shows its true power.

+15 Strength
+10 Agility
+10 Intelligence
+10 Wisdom
+10 Vitality
+ 2 sockets

Effects when infused with soul energy (dependent on amount):
+1-50% resistance to armor penetration
+1-50% Reduction in physical damage received
+1-50% reduction in magic damage received
+1-25% resistance to divine power

Strength: 150
Agility: 100
Intelligence: 100
Wisdom: 100

“Neat.” Hall pulled the armor into place and motioned Lily to follow him. “Let’s go back. Can’t have them start the fun without us.”


Author’s Note:

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter.
I was like 80% done a month ago, but unfortunately I got sick and am still recovering. This sadly means that with all the stuff that piled up this month, I’ll be busy these next weeks, sorting out and taking care of all that. Meaning there probably won’t be another chapter for a while (around same waiting time as this chapter). I apologize for that, but it’s really unavoidable. Still, this story won’t get dropped, so no worries, it will just take a bit longer Very Happy

Thanks to Requizition for proofreading and a very special thank you to Trent, Ricky, Thomas, Mitchell and Cole for sponsoring this chapter, you guys rock :)

As always, if you guys find any mistakes, have questions or suggestions, just let me know, either through comments, via PN or in the chat. But because I’m so busy right now, it may take a bit until I answer^^


by Sturmwalzer

Don’t Fear the Reaper

Chapter 29 – A Wolf Amongst Ravens

“Harbinger,” the old Nephesh’s voice stopped Hall in his tracks. Already about to leave, he turned toward the frail elder who had followed him into labyrinth. “I forgot to tell you something about your armor. It’s better not to show it to anyone.”

Hall raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Unfortunately some of its materials, especially the gravewood, is outlawed by most churches. After all, it’s considered heresy to steal from the grave of a god. Few people know about it, but if someone who does, would take a closer look,” he shrugged, “let’s just say it would be better to keep it close to you.”

“Understood.” Hall wrinkled his forehead. “Guess it will be a pain to repair any damage then.”

“Not necessarily,” the elder said and pulled a worn hammer from the pouch he carried. Scratches covered the wooden grip and traces of rust on its head laid testament to its age. “This is something we picked up over a century ago in a Sorian ruin. Take it as a reward for dealing with the Nachtmahr infestation.”

Oh right, the quest reward, forgot about that. Hall received the battered tool with reservation. It resembled a common hammer, but he gave it a closer look.

Wieland’s Spare Hammer
Damage: 1 Durability:
Type: Tool Quality: Unique
This ancient tool once helped form an empire, but—like its creation—it fell into ruin and lost its former glory. Despite its desolate state, it retained some of its power and under the right circumstances, it might be able to recover more.

Each item struck by it—up to legendary quality—will be repaired for one durability point per hit. Can be used up to ten times a day.


“Impressive.” The doubt in Hall’s mind had vanished. “Let’s give it a try.”

He took the cloak off his shoulders, folded the torn cloth over his arm and raised the hammer in his right. Each strike of metal against cloth cast a flash of light on the dark material of his cloak and slowly raised its durability. Small tears closed, rips vanished and after the last hit, the light disappeared. “Well, it’s still pretty shredded, but it will be useful in the future. Thank you.”

Hall pocketed the hammer and said his goodbyes once again before he ventured into the labyrinth’s darkness.

While he rushed through the hallways, Lili read the ledger they had taken from the Nephesh as Moira guided him through narrow passages, past holes in the ground and stairways that lead nowhere. The stale air around them grew warmer and puddles of water formed on the earthen ground.

There has to be a way to travel faster, this is just ridiculous. Some areas and cities allowed the use of teleportation devices or different means—ships or zeppelins—for fast travel, but Hall had never seen one. “Hey Moira, is there some kind of portable teleporter? Any kind of magic, maybe a scroll?”

“Of course there is,” the grimoire said. “Both actually. Rune stones that allow teleportation to a specific location are pretty common from what I remember. Though I wouldn’t know how to get one. Ask in town.”

Hall nodded and his lips curved to a smile. Even though Moira had become less conceited, almost a bit tame, she still couldn’t help but sound haughty every now and then. But he didn’t mind her cheeky attitude, especially when he remembered the memories she shared and Grim’s expression when she had mentioned Moira’s past.

“Alright,” Hall waved toward the darkness ahead. “Let’s find an exit close to the market place. I need to sell a few things and replace some armor.”

Time flew by as they rushed through dim tunnels and, after several hours, the city’s noise finally reached their ears. It took almost four hours, but in reality, not even one passed. I’m still not used to it. Guess few are, but it sure will shake things up.

“The next right should lead to a warehouse, at least that’s what the map indicates,” Moira said.

A metal door, coated with rust, blocked their way. Hall pressed down the handle, but the heavy door didn’t move an inch. Even using his full strength, he couldn’t sway it.

“Is it jammed?” Lily asked.

“No,” Hall pressed through his teeth with his shoulder still pushed against the metal. “The rust is only a deterrent since the handle is well oiled.” He took a step back and scratched the back of his head. “I’d say somebody blocked it. My guess is, the kingdom’s forces want to limit the rebels’ movements. Maybe lure them into a trap, but I doubt they’ll know every exit. Let’s look for another one.”

They advanced toward the next exit, but another blocked door greeted them. Exit after exit had been sealed and after one more hour, they stood in front of another door. But its rotten wood barely budged when Hall pressed against it. “Oh come on.”

Wide cracks in the door revealed boards and various pieces of scrap somebody had used as a barricade. Hall pressed his palm against the wood and sighed. “Moira, how far to the next exit?”

“There aren’t any close to the market. The next one… maybe ten minutes.”

Without another word Hall took the scythe from his inventory and rammed it into the door. The weak material offered little resistance and split under the onslaught. Again and again he slammed the heavy blade against the blocked exit until he stood on a pile of shredded wood and panted heavily. “Let’s go.”

“Alright.” Lily had taken a step back and watched Hall’s frantic hacking with raised brows. “You really showed that door.”

The stairway before them lead into an empty warehouse that stored nothing but rodent feces and dust. Cold air had seeped through cracks in the wall and few rays of light shone through broken windows.

This time nothing stopped them from entering the streets of Roselake. Hall and Lily took a deep breath and smiled at each other. “Finally, fresh air.” Lily hovered above the ground, turned toward the setting sun and closed her eyes.

Notification: Martial Law
Martial Law has been declared in the city of Roselake. Thus, Roselake is in a state of war and corresponding rules are applied within the city walls.

Kills against players won’t be punished with infamy.
After dying, players are teleported outside of the city and can’t enter until the state of war has been lifted
Harming civilians will result in punishment
Players are constantly in a combat state. Only safe zones will allow the “out of combat” state.

Few people hurried through the street around them and threw nervous gazes at the dark figure that stood in the middle of the road. They pressed themselves against the walls to get as much distance between them and Hall, but he shrugged it off and walked toward the market place.

The cities atmosphere dampened their euphoria quickly. No children or elderly walked the streets and everyone carried at least one weapon. Some wore badges or uniforms while others concealed their faces or hid in the shadows.

Hall’s boots left deep prints in the dirty snow slush that covered the ground. The cracked leather barely protected him from the elements, but he didn’t slow his steps.

He ducked into a side street, entered a dark alley and, circling around, returned to the road leading to the market place.

Lily had stayed silent during their detour. Now, back to where they had started, she asked, “What was that about?”

“We are being followed,” Moira said.

Lily’s eyes widened and turned toward Hall. He only nodded and kept moving. “Four of them. I wasn’t sure at first, but they are definitely after us.”

“Why?” Lily asked as her eyes darted into dark corners.

“Don’t know.” He shrugged and furrowed his brow. “But… they are voyagers.”

Thanks to his ‘Soul Perception’ Hall managed to differentiate between players and inhabitants of Novus Vita. Mostly because the souls of those growing up in this world had far more complex souls. Deeper shadows, brighter light.

A player’s soul reflected their actions, not only their infamy, but even small acts of kindness or evil. So, after spending little time in this world, how much could a soul really show?

“They are a good distance away, but judging by their soul energy, none of them have a lot of infamy,” he shook his head, “they look normal to me. White vests almost. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

Hall had spent more time under Roselake than in the city itself, so he barely knew its streets. Yet at this late hour, few still went after their business, so finding an abandoned ally proved easy enough. When only empty houses and stores remained besides them, he stopped and took out his scythe blade. Without materializing his chains, he used soul weaving and tied one to the scythe.

“You know, the voyagers we met don’t seem to like you very much,” Moira said.

“To be fair, most inhabitants of this world don’t go crazy over me either. Oh well… you can come out now!” Hall raised his voice and yelled into the shadows.

“There are more than four.” Lily pointed at a figure in the back of the players who stepped into the light.

Hall narrowed his eyes. Even now he could barely perceive the cloaked man. What is he?

At the front of the group stood an armored knight, carrying a heavy shield and a longsword, his eyes fixated on Hall. Behind him, a man in leather pulled two daggers from his sheathes and stepped in front of a girl wearing a white robe. Another woman, dressed in red cloth, brandished a heavy staff made from black wood.

“Are you sure it’s him?” A deep voice came from the knight’s helmet.

The girl in white tightened her grip around a short staff she carried. “He looks scary. Do we really have to fight him?”

Hall’s ears perked up, but he stayed silent and listened.

“It’s him.” The cloaked man loomed in the background of the group. “Be careful, his level is somewhere between 65 and 70, so he’s stronger than you. Especially that priest girl of yours.”

Lily shifted her position and drifted behind Hall. “There’s something wrong with that guy.”

“Yeah, I don’t know how he knows my level. Or how and why he found me. Weird,” Hall whispered.

“The pin on his chest.” Moira’s voice resounded in his head. “I’m sure it means something, but I can’t quite remember what. Be careful though.”

The golden symbol on the cloaked man’s chest stood out like a drop of blood in the snow. A cross with an eye in its middle, an ominous symbol that seemed almost alive and pulsating.

“Don’t forget,” the man garbed in a black robe hissed. “Finding him was my job. Fighting him is yours.”

“No worries.” The knight waved his sword toward Hall. “Even if his level is a bit higher, we’re still four and he’s alone.”

Hall glanced at Lily beside him and stroked the scythe in his hand. Its tip dug into the frozen ground and vibrated in anticipation. “Kill,” the weapon’s quiet voice resounded in his head.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Hall’s voice echoed through the abandoned alley. “You seem like decent people. If possible, I don’t want to fight you.”

“To be honest, I would prefer not to fight either.” The light of a single torch colored the knight’s armor in flickering red. “But the price that rich guy put on your head, together with the king’s reward, is just too good.” He nodded his head toward the cloaked figure. “Also we need to pay him for finding you. It wasn’t cheap and took way too long. So, I’m sorry, but you’ll have to die here.”

“I’m afraid I can’t let that happen.” The last ray of sun light had disappeared and with it any remaining warmth. Icy air rose from the ground and formed thin mist that curled around their legs. With nightfall, a blanket of silence enveloped the two parties.

For a moment longer, Hall stayed quiet, before he raised his hand and infused his armor with soul energy. The throbbing veins in the gravewood exuded black light and his burning eyes beneath his hood pierced the darkness. “I’ll warn you one last time, leave.”

Lily’s wailing song brought a freezing wind to the street. The four players sucked in the air through their teeth and chills ran down their spines when they heard the sounds of chains that threatened to tie them down like lambs for the slaughter.

“Do we have to fight?” The priest girl’s voice broke and she took a step back. Streaks of blond hair fell into her delicate face and obstructed her vision.

The moon turned blood red and veiled them all in menacing light. “It’s gotten cold,” the woman, a mage several levels below Hall, said. “I don’t like this. He hasn’t moved, but I’ve already gotten messages about negative status effects.”

She swallowed hard and like the rest of her friends, her hands trembled in the face of the sole enemy. The shadows they had used to hide, now turned against them, shrouding their former prey as if bowing to his will.

“And I can’t dispel them.” The girl in white frantically drew runes in the air and cast spells, but to no effect.

“Enough.” The knight slammed his sword against his shield. “They are just area of effect debuffs and you can’t dispel them because your level is too low. Get a hold of yourselves and attack.”

He lifted his blade and charged at Hall. Right behind him ran the other man, both daggers raised. Golden flakes of light surrounded their weapons as the priest waved her wand and cast support spells on her party.

Hall materialized his chains and observed calmly. “Guess there’s no other way.”

He shifted his stance, put his full weight behind his chain and threw it toward the knight. The collision stopped him in his tracks, but barely left a dent in the shield. “Not bad, but with this you can’t defeat us.”

“First rule,” Hall said. “Kill the healer.”

“What…” A shadow darkened the moon’s light and, lifting their gazes, they saw a large scythe falling—falling toward the girl in white.

While Hall had attacked with his left, he had swung his right chain in a wide arc above his head. The priest’s eyes widened and she raised her arm in defense. “Protective Barrier,” she yelled.

A blue sphere formed around her before the scythe blade impaled her. The dark metal crashed into the barrier and for a moment an expression of relief slipped on her face. But it disappeared together with her shield. The scythe shattered the barrier and its blue shards of light mixed with red blood as the weapon dug into her skin.

Critical Hit!
You have dealt 252 damage (reduced due to the target’s nature)
Target stunned for 4 sec

Though it took less than half her health, she dropped to her knees and the mage in the party rushed to her side. “Damn you!” She lifted her staff and shot a globe of flames toward Hall.
“Lily, tie down the melees.”

Transparent mana chains broke through the ground and wrapped around the charging men’s limbs. It stopped their onslaught, and damned them to watch Hall walk between them toward the two girls.

A chain slammed into the ground in front of the mage and the skill ‘Sound of Silence’—even though weakened—interrupted her spells.

They struggled against chains and silence, against the darkness and fear that took hold of them. Heavy footsteps on the snow accompanied the grim figure that seemed untouchable.

“I really hate to do this.” Hall stopped in front of the priest girl. Mud covered her white dress and her trembling fingers covered the gashing wound in her chest.

“Taste bitter. Don’t want…” the scythe’s voice resounded in his mind. The weapon was created to cleanse evil, to destroy darkness. Killing the innocent didn’t suit it.

“I know, I’m sorry.” Hall closed his eyes for a moment. He raised the scythe over his head, infused it with a large amount of soul energy and struck down twice. Her white robe had turned red as had the snow around her. I the scythe won’t serve me any good against them.

The connection between chain and scythe dissolved with a thought and the blade disappeared in his inventory.

“Damn it, look what you made me do.” He grit his teeth and struck down the mage with few blows of his chains.

The sound of ripping mana shackles caught Hall’s attention. The two men charged at him. This time, they blindly rushed forward, desperate screams rising from their throats.

Again, Hall reacted calmly. He wrapped the chain around his left arm and blocked the warrior’s sword. The heavy strikes left him unfazed. The knight’s group wasn’t weak. But their level was low and their coordination poor. They had underestimated Hall and paid dearly.

Both attackers slashed and stabbed their blades at Hall, but he either blocked them or ignored the damage.

“What are you?” The knight’s voice trembled. “Our equipment, our weapons, everything is enchanted with the light attribute. Why aren’t you weakened by it?”

“Who says I’m darkness?”

“Then what are you?” The knight panted and the tip of his blade hit the ground. He lost all strength to fight.

“That’s not important anymore, goodbye.” Without resistance, Hall struck them both down.

You have leveled up!

“I haven’t forgotten you.” Hall still showed his back to the cloaked man.

“And what are you going to do?”

“I think I’ll kill you.”

“You’re welcome to try.” A dry chuckle followed the man’s words.

Hall gripped his chain and swung it toward his target. Almost too fast to follow with the naked eye the weapon slashed through the body. But there was no resistance, no collision, as if it cut through a shadow. And nothing but hollow laughter remained.

“Shit.” Hall clenched his fist and looked at the bloodbath he caused. The scent of copper rose from crimson puddles of melted snow. Lily had turned away from the image, but he forced himself to watch a little longer. A bitter taste covered his tongue as he left the mangled corpses behind.


Despite the tense situation, nobody had closed the auction house yet. So, Hall put in the few items of worth he owned.

The cavalry swords he had gathered from the nobles’ mansion, as well as the items he had brought from Benmal’ach’s dungeon. He kept the arbalest. A powerful long range weapon might prove useful and it required far less practice than a bow.

Hall sold the remaining items, mostly worthless, for a handful of gold coins and counted himself lucky. Almost all merchants in the large auction Hall shivered when Hall approached them. Only the auctioneers themselves seemed unimpressed.

“Slow day?” Hall asked the man behind the counter.

“People are scared.” The man rubbed his eyes and suppressed a yawn. “Bad for business. Need anything else?”

“Please show me leg armor only those that have the option to buy them right now.”

Hall browsed through dozens of windows and picked new gloves, new boots and armor for his legs to replace his old one. 24 gold coins bought him decent enough items. The auction prices weren’t affected by his character traits. He would pay obscene sums when buying from a merchant, but at least he could afford new items without relying on them.

Woodland Warrior Gloves
Defense: 35 Durability: 50/50
Quality: Magic Type: Gloves
Basic equipment worn by experienced warriors traveling the dense woods of Arabur.
Fine threads of steel interwoven with hard leather will protect the wearer.Effects:
+10 Strength
+15 Agility

Level 65
Strength: 80
Agility: 120


Woodland Warrior Boots
Defense: 35 Durability: 50/50
Quality: Magic Type: Boots
Basic equipment worn by experienced warriors traveling the dense woods of Arabur.
Fine threads of steel interwoven with hard leather will protect the wearer.Effects:
+10 Strength
+15 Agility
8% reduction of slow effects (movement speed only)

Level 65
Strength: 80
Agility: 120


Woodland Warrior Greaves
Defense: 55 Durability: 65/65
Quality: Magic Type: Leg Armor
Basic equipment worn by experienced warriors traveling the dense woods of Arabur.
Fine threads of steel interwoven with hard leather will protect the wearer.Effects:
+15 Strength
+20 Agility

Level 65
Strength: 80
Agility: 120

They were a little expensive for their quality rating, but they offered good protection and didn’t weigh him down.

He put his new pieces of armor on and a smile crept on his face. Before, his lacking equipment made him nervous. Now, he at least had bought himself some safety.

“One more thing.” The last fight showed him how lacking he still was. His main weapon, his skills, they were suited to hunt enemies with high infamy. But fighting good people or normal players was a given, especially in the upcoming battles. “Let’s look at daggers and knives suited for combat.”

A long list of weapons appeared before him and only after several adjustments did he narrow them down. “This one.”

Damage: 35-55 Durability: 35/35
Quality: Rare Type: Dagger
A knife made to kill in few strikes. Heavy, sharp and difficult to master.

+10 Strength
+15 Agility
+15% Critical Damage
+Bleeding Effect (50% of strike damage over 10sec)
Deals significant amount of damage when ripped from the wound it caused
Reduced damage if handled poorly

Level 60
Strength: 110
Agility: 140

The dagger resembled a combat knife in weight and form. Its wide blade—single edged and saw teeth on its back—would leave terrifying wounds. He fastened the knife’s sheath around his waist and made sure he could pull the weapon at a moment’s notice.

At least now he could offer a clean death to those who didn’t deserve to suffer.
“Almost ready,” Hall mumbled and opened his inventory. Besides the arbalest, he also owned the smoke and flash bombs he got from Jorn for supporting the resistance, but only a small number of potions. Additionally, his canteen contained little water and his rations had dwindled.

After he had spent twelve gold for his new weapon, he invested another ten in potions and food. Many craftsmen offered their goods in the auction house, so he stocked up while he could access it. “All set, let’s visit Shep.”

They stepped into the empty street again where the cold night hid enemies and allies alike. He couldn’t tell them apart, so he avoided them all. At least nobody bothered him until he knocked on the gate of the old church that served as an orphanage.

“Who’s there?” A rough voice asked.

“It’s me, Hall, you asked me to come before meeting up with Jorn.”

“Not so loud.” The door opened and a hand reached from the inside. It grabbed onto Hall and pulled him into the dimly lit entrance hall. “We don’t know who’s listening.”

You have entered a safe zone.

“Some grip you got there.” Hall grinned and massaged his shoulder.

“Na, you’re just sensitive.”

Shep stroked his bald head and motioned Hall to follow him. The monk robe he wore hid his figure in the dark room, but his shoulders hung deep and he dragged his right leg.

“What happened here, Shep?”

The large man growled and shook his head. “Trouble. But nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“What about the children?”

“We tried to get everyone out of the city, but it was difficult. We ran into, well, trouble.” He clenched his fist and candlelight revealed his scabbed knuckles. “Still, by now most of the civilians are out. By tomorrow the slum should be empty. Same goes for most parts of town. I’ll take the last group of kids myself tonight. So, from tomorrow, whoever you see on the street is fair game.”

“Even my allies?”

“Allies, huh?” He almost spit out the word. “You shouldn’t count on anyone. I don’t even know which side has worse scum fighting for them.” A long sigh left his lips and his shoulders dropped. “Just try to be careful. I know you voyagers don’t die like we do, but… there are worse things than death.”

The sound of shattering glass echoed through the quiet hallway. Hall yanked the dagger from his hip and whirled around, but Shep acted even faster. The burly man darted toward the sound, his arms raised.

Faced with the charging Shep, a muffled screech emerged from a young boy as he dropped on his behind. Shards of a broken vase lay to his feet, but his big eyes focused on the bald giant in front of him.

“Damn it Ralk, you should be in bed.” Shep helped up the orphan and brushed the dust off him before he picked up the pieces of glass.

“Oh, it’s the kid you saved,” Lily said. “Guess he wanted to see you.”

After he stood up, Ralk straightened his clothes and took a step closer to Hall. But his eyes widened and his face lost all color. His small hand grasped for Shep’s robe as he hid behind the man’s wide back.

“What’s with him?” Lily cocked her head.

“He’s scared,” Moira said, her voice holding a hint of sadness.

“Of what?”

“Of me.” Hall said, his expression blank. Lily opened her mouth, but after a moment, she lowered her head and stayed quiet.

“Go on ahead, Hall.” Shep lay his big hand on the child’s head. He showed an apologetic look. “I’ll bring him to bed and be with you in a few minutes.”

Hall nodded and with a last glance at the frightened Ralk, he walked into Shep’s office.

“Hello there.” A familiar figure greeted him.

“Oh, I didn’t expect to see you here.”


“The king will see you now.” The guard saluted the man who waited in front of the throne room.

“Finally.” He made no attempt to lower his voice in front of the guard. His chin rested on the grip of a large two hand sword, but his eyes never ceased to scan the room.

“Bale, we have news.” Another man in a dark leather armor approached him.

“What is it?”

“Sir,” the guard nervously interrupted them, “the king is expecting you.”

“Let him wait,” Bale sneered and turned toward Nayr, one of the twins, who carried a stack of documents. “So?”

The blond rogue handed the most important ones over and Bale looked through them without hurry. The guard bit his lips, but remained silent.

Most of the documents contained information about troop movements and the supply situation. “Oh, what did they find?” The letter Bale opened carried the symbol of a cross with an eye in its middle. He raised an eyebrow and a grin formed on his face. “Got you.”

At first, Bale hadn’t really cared about the figure people called Killchain. He had killed a few nobles, spread some fear, nothing to worry about. But he ridiculed him in an interview, for everyone to see. Though Bale had no proof, he knew it was him.

It wasn’t his pride that took a hit. Pride meant nothing, just a useless sentiment. But the armor of intimidation he carefully manufactured through threats and fear was scratched. And public spilling of blood would fix the damage.

“Nayr, send men to the old church in the southern slums. Our friend found refuge there.”  He hesitated. “No, better hire a few of the stalkers.” He pointed at the symbol on the letter. “They won’t be detected. Let them follow him for now, I want to take care of him myself. And let someone keep an eye on the people in the church,” he licked his dry lips, “we might find a use for them.”


Author’s Note:

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter  :grin:

As always, I’d be glad to hear your input, ideas and suggestions as well as any advice toward mistakes I made. My gratitude to those who help me out with my story.

Thanks to Requizition (Author of Prism here on RRL) for proofreading.

And a very special thanks to Trent for sponsoring this chapter, you’re the best Very Happy

by Sturmwalzer

Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 12: Altesia’s Temptation



Chapter 12: Altesia’s Temptation

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 99
[Class] Noble; Horde Chief
[Possessed Skills] <<Horde Commander>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C+>> <<Avarice>> <<Distant Soul>> <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>> <<Eyes of the Blue Snake>> <<Dance at Death’s Border>>
[Divine Protection] Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia
[Attributes] Darkness, Death

I can hear a voice from the dark abyss.


It was gentle, full of hate, and at the same time… nauseating.


A fluffily floating like sensation blew an intense will into me.

“Awaken, my child.”

That will dominated my body.

At the voice’s dictate, I opened my eyes, and before me was a woman accompanied by countless snakes.

“Have you finally awoken? To actually make your mother wait, how bold of you.”

Snakes of different colors coiled about around her voluptuous naked body, declaring her divinity.

Her body looked to have been sculpted by the gods themselves, having no trace of imperfection. On her abundant breasts, was a four-eyed snake, colored like that of fine dress, snuggly wrapped around her, seemingly emphasizing her seductive features. From her perfectly sculpted feet to her thighs, loosely crawling about was a black, twin-headed snake. And covering her lower body, was a green Yamata no Orochi with a red spiral pattern engraved into it.

Her red lips were redder than blood itself. Her face perfect without any fault. Her nose, her mouth, every part carefully positioned to perfection. Her eyes shone gold, a color of lust gleaming through them. Her slightly wavy hair was bluer than the blue sky. And behind her were innumerable snakes.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I suppose.”

Her honey-like sweet voice resounded in my ears, carrying with it seduction and a tinge of blood. My heart was greatly rattled.

“Who are you?”

She is alluring, so alluring that if I were to relax for even a moment, I would surely find myself bowed to her.

I fought that urge while I kept my heart calm.

“But you already know that, right?”

What an enchanting smile, so much so that it feels as if it could melt any man’s heart. To that vicious smile that could charm even a demon, I could only grit my teeth as I endured.

“Altesia (Goddess of the Underworld), is it?”

“Yes, that’s right. Oh, how I adore clever children.”

Those words almost broke my hips, but I somehow managed to fill my heart with hate and keep my calm.

“A soul that doesn’t match that small body. How amusing… It’s good that we’re finally able to talk like this.”

As Altesia spoke, I was at my wit’s end. At any time it felt as if I could be washed away by the feeling of being loved that was like lukewarm water.

“How cruel.”

That relaxed atmosphere suddenly, in one instant, turned cold. Her gold-colored pupils gazed into me a bone-freezing glance.

That atmosphere finally allowed me to regain my composure.

“There’s something I want to ask.”

Altesia, looking down on me, scowled without emotion.

“Were you the one who interfered with my thoughts?”

“What about it?”

That smile she showed me almost charmed me, but knowing that it’s fake, I was somehow able to resist.

“I won’t forgive a second time.”

“And if you don’t forgive me, what are you going to do?”

Having my selfishness answered as if it was perfectly natural. Overpowering others with my overwhelming will. In normal times, that’s how it’d go.

But the being in front of me wouldn’t falter from something like that, no.

“Do you envy Zenobia (Goddess of Healing) that much?”

The atmosphere froze.

“Are you maddened by jealousy, Altesia?”

“Shut your mouth! What’s wrong being maddened by jealousy!? I loved him so much! Yet he only ever had eyes for Zenobia! Why!? I won’t forgive Zenobia! NEVER! I, who fell into depravity, pushed into hades, will never, ever forgive her! I will NEVER forgive that woman who has never done anything but monopolize his love!”

Her beautiful countenance, gone. The corners of her eyes torn, blood flowing. The corners of her mouth torn to her ears.

“Why won’t Ativ (The Ancestor God who Birthed the Earth) look at me!?”

The lamenting goddess of snakes was there. Exhaling hot air, she pressured me.

The snakes responding to her wrath, simultaneously threatened.

“My child, my small, hideous child.”

Altesia cast her eyes down.

“Grant your mother’s wish.”

An absolute decree.

“Lay waste to Ativ’s world! Zenobia’s –“

To that supreme bliss of an order that no being who has received divine protection could ever think of contesting.

“I refuse.”

I shook my head.

For a moment, Altesia was at a lost to what I was saying and she titled her head in confusion. Not a trace of the demon snake princess’s visage from a while ago could be seen. Her face now was exactly the same motherly face she showed me at first.

“I will not forgive that who has trespassed me!”

I rebel, therefore I am.


The snakes wriggling under her all simultaneously surrounded me.

That overwhelming force that could instantly destroy anything were they to attack. That same overwhelming force was now threatening me.

“You will betray me while having accepted my divine protection?”

Gazing at me with a look that looked like it could kill, I gazed back looking directly into her eyes.

“I will decide how I live!”

I have already died once. Let all regrets be left to the time I lived as man.

I haven’t the faintest attachment to this life of mine as a monster.

And that’s precisely why I no longer have any reason to bow my head in servility to any man or god!

“… But, if they get in the way of my way of living, then I will, on my own volition, uproot them!”

The snakes continued to threaten me as the mother goddess asked.

“And what is this way of life of yours?”

Gambling everything I am as a monster, I threw out my chest.

“Conquest and Domination!”

A path that can no longer be associated with peace or tranquility.

“I will make everything in heaven and on earth acknowledge me! I will trample on everything, and take everything for myself! And I will carve my name into the annals of history, never to be forgotten!”

A small pu came out, followed by short pauses of laughter, until eventually, Altesia burst out laughing as she held both of her sides.

“Ahahahaha…. You’re amusing, really amusing.

So what you’re saying is, is that you’re going to fight them by your will and not by my order.

But still… conquest and domination, ahahahahahaha!

How arrogant! How insolent! And to actually declare it so boldly with that tiny stature… buhahahaha!”

That laughter was completely inappropriate for the bewitching goddess of snakes. It was as if Altesia had turned into a normal girl laughing her heart out to a funny story.

“Very well. I am pleased with you.”

Said Altesia as she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.


Silently, I stuck my tongue out.

To think she would actually laugh at my heartfelt declaration, as expected of a goddess.

In any case, it’s good that I won’t be dying for the meantime.

“Boy, you’re quite the rebel, aren’t you?”

Altesia looked at me closely, her face sparkling like that of a little girl who’s found a new toy. Her face, looking like she wants to mess with me and get all sorts of reactions.

Then she lightly grabbed the tongue I silently stuck and pulled it.

“Alright, whatever. A kid being as cute as he is stupid is a universal truth anyway.”

I can’t talk with my tongue pulled like this.

Sticking my tongue out was a mistake.

“Ho ho, now that I’ve taken a closer look, you have quite the charming face, don’t you?”

She looked at me from top to bottom while tugging on my tongue.

“But… nah, you’re definitely ugly. Be a bit more handsome, will you?”

Don’t ask for the impossible.

I can’t even if I want to, you know?

“If the “shape” of the soul yearns for it, I could remold you.”

The underworld goddess’s golden eyes gleamed on me.

“Well, whatever. Let us return to the main issue.”

The goddess of the underworld released my tongue, and clapped her hands.

Immediately, the world changed.

In a space where nothing can be seen, statues of demons that govern over death are lined up in the darkness.

By the time I noticed it, Altesia had already positioned herself, sitting on the throne with her legs crossed.

Wearing a pure white toga, she appeared both beautiful and divine. The very personification of an overwhelming god.

“I shall leave you with a gift.”

One snake from the innumerable snakes by Altesia’s feet, crawled over to me.

A small, one-eyed, red snake.

“I don’t need a snake.”
“Well don’t say that.”

Said the goddess with a chuckle. Then immediately, the snake came at me at a frightening speed, slipping itself into the arm I tried to drive it away with, entering me, and going all the way to my chest.

“… Oi!”

This thing actually went inside and merged with my body!

“That child is quite the adorable little thing, take care of it well.”

I don’t care!

Take it out!

“It’s almost time. Then, until next time, my cute, little boy.”

Immediately, darkness took everything, and I fell.


Warm light wrapped around me.

The bustling noise by my ear urged me to wake. And slowly, I opened my eyes.

The sun’s strong, piercing light, was harsh. It’s probably around noon.

“Ahh, the chief is awake!”

Exclaimed Gi Ga as he choked in tears of joy.

“Let everyone know!”

I can hear Gi Gu running.

And then…

“Why… Why are you doing something like this?”

When I saw Reshia laying her hand on my forehead, my heart jumped out.

Then the nostalgic smell of blood wafted to my nose.

“The smell of blood… what happened?”

I asked, with this still dull and aching body.

Gi Ga hung his head in shame, and Reshia answered instead.

“Your village was attacked. And from the looks of things, over half of your subordinates have been injured or killed.”

“By who!?”

I slapped my face with all of my strength, knocking awake my drowsy head.


As Reshia promptly moved her hand away from me, she appeared to be concealing her emotions.

“Oi, what happened to that female swordsman?”

I suddenly asked.

“… She became a decoy in order to protect me.”

Suddenly, I gritted my back teeth. Reshia didn’t say any more.

“How much time has passed?”

“Since morning today, chief. We had our hands full protecting the chief’s treasure.”

“We can still make it.”

I patted Gi Ga’s back to encourage him.

“We’ll get them back, just wait.”

I left Reshia with those words, and I moved my body up as I shrieked.

“Gi Ga, how many soldiers can be moved?”

“10, my chief.”

“That’s enough. And my sword?”


As he pointed to a direction, there laid my sword, the Iron Second (Large Steel Sword) smeared in blood.

“Anyone who lays his hand on my possession will not be forgiven.”

I take the steel sword, and wield it over my shoulder.

“Please wait, I will also go.”

I clicked my tongue in annoyance when I saw Reshia dusting off her robe’s sleeves as she stood.

“You’ll only get in the way.”

“The one who healed you was me!”

The firm light of her amethyst eyes gleamed on me.

“… Fine. Gi Ga, protect Reshia. Whenever anyone’s injured, bring them over to her.”

“As you command.”

“Let’s go!”


[Skill] <<The Red Snake’s Eye>> acquired.

Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 11: Spider Hunting



Chapter 11: Spider Hunting

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 45
[Class] Noble; Horde Chief
[Possessed Skills] <<Horde Commander>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C+>> <<Avarice>> <<Distant Soul>> <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>> <<Eyes of the Blue Snake>>
[Divine Protection] Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia
[Attributes] Darkness, Death

The forest stretches endlessly.

And in it, I stand before a powerful foe. At times like this, my very being cannot help but quiver, elated at the thought of battling a worthy adversary.


Eight giant, long legs support its body. And its eight eyeballs gleam a light of dark-red.

Not a hint of life could be felt from those eyes. As if they were naught but balls of glass, those dark-red eyes of it, gleam lifelessly, gazing into me. Only one thing is certain, it acknowledges me as its prey.

I bring the Iron Second (Steel Great Sword) over my shoulder. I balance myself, and I tilt myself forward.

The weight of the sword, my grip on its hilt, the sensation of my feet planted firmly on the ground, all of these information are surging into me, my senses heightened. Now, not even the movement of the giant spider’s capillaries can escape my eyes. Similarly, my sense of hearing has also heightened, allowing me to hear even the breathing of all that is living around the spider.

I look at the spider and ascertain the distance between it and me.

I exhale.

As I exhale, the breath that came out was hot like the raging fire within my body.

I am standing here now. Here, right before the strong of the forest, the giant spider. Yes, I dare challenge it.

Gi Gu and Gi Ga are in the surrounding thickets, watching attentively with bated breaths.

In a normal hunt, we would’ve prepared traps beforehand, ensuring our victory, however, this time is different. In truth, it could be said that this is nothing more than my selfishness.

Right now, I am insufficient. So I’m doing this to remedy that. That I might be able to overcome Reshia’s overwhelming power.

So far I’ve lost twice. Once when I was swallowed by the will of the goddess of the underworld, and another when I ended up bowing my head to her.

Reshia is alluring, very alluring. In fact her charm is so powerful that even when we’re only talking it feels as if my very soul could be pulled out by her at any moment. Such atrocious power… there’s no other way to put it –

Absolute charm.

It is highly probable that there is something going on between the goddess of the underworld and the goddess of healing. A special bond that’s causing this unexplainable phenomenon. This sensation that’s seducing me to drown within that woman.

And that’s why I must do this. I must, at all costs, challenge a foe that I have little chance of defeating.

As for whether I can or cannot win…

I must bring out all of my power, from every fiber of this body of mine, and present to my partner in this dance of life and death a bloodbath.

… Must? No, I WILL!

I WILL bring to it a bloodbath!

Else how could I ever dream of conquering that woman, that saint’s overwhelming power!?


Out of my mouth, bellowed out Overpowering Howl, greeting the foe before me.

[Skill] <<Eyes of the Blue Snake>> activated, computing the target’s weakness.
<<Weakness: The head of the spider>>

But a spider’s body was only made up of its head, its body, and its legs to begin with.

–––––– Hmph! Even a fool could figure this out! What a useless skill!

The blood having gone to my head, I couldn’t help but hurl insults at the useless skill inside my mind.

Then in an instant, the spider appeared to compress itself. Using its entire body like a spring, it leaped. At the same time, venom hurled from its mouth as it towered over me.

I managed to find a path to survival underneath those eight legs of it as I swung the Iron Second (Steel Great Sword), and dived through it. In the process, I sent one of its legs flying, and the giant spider realized that its attack has failed.

Immediately, the spider stopped and tried to regain its balance, after which it came pouncing again.

Having just dived out of harms away, I could not dodge the spider’s charge, and could only shield myself with my sword as I received the brunt of its attack. The impact sent me flying, and I felt pain spread from my back as I laid down on the ground.

It felt as if a burning staff had just impaled itself through my lungs as I choked, unable to properly breathe.

But the enemy would not give me the comfort of rest, no. Already, it was on its way to feast on me as it leaped towards me.

––––Shit, it’s fast!

Unable to ascertain where my foe would land, I left everything to my instincts, and swung my sword.

Fortunately, and perhaps thanks to the [Skill] Swordsmanship C+, my sword managed to lop off another one of the spider’s forelegs.

Continuing that momentum, I slashed upwards.

But before my sword could reach the spider, my shoulder was pierced by one of the spider’s sharp limbs.

I almost released my grip on the sword, but I gripped it once again with my hand, and I swung it down, leaving the strength to its weight.

That steel great sword came crashing down, and not even the limb that had pierced into my shoulder would be left standing at its descent. Immediately, the spider jumped back.

Boom! A thunderous roar erupted, leaving nothing but a crater on the ground.

But the giant spider was a moment faster, and it was able to dodge.

Fortunately, it was not uninjured.

Green bodily fluids could be seen flowing from half of its eyes, and three of its limbs have already been severed. But the spider still hasn’t lost its will to fight.

The spider let out a menacing shriek as it watched me.

This duel is starting to look bleak for me. After that last attack, the wound on my shoulder’s been bleeding incessantly.

––– I don’t have time!

As I took a slashing stance, I kicked off against the ground with all my strength, and slashed at the spider… but it slipped.

An unstable sword due to impatience. And too much power that moved the sword too high. These two factors together caused my sword to miss its target, and the sword that should have skewered the giant spider slid against its body instead.


At that irrevocable miss, the giant spider closed in.

Like a spring, it leaped at me, and aimed for my shoulders with its venomous fangs.

––– Tch! If I take a step back here!!

If I take a step back here, then the giant spider will push and hold me down.

Regardless of what I do, the situation’s bad.

At that instant, I decided to fight the spider head-on.

I met the charge of the spider with my own, and my arm that was caught in between, creaked a horrible sound.

I know that it can’t be helped. There truly was no other way left, but still… the price I had to pay to dodge the giant spider’s venomous fangs was simply too high.

Having no luxury to wallow in my loss, I swallowed whatever bitterness I had, and took back my sword.

At this distance, the spider won’t be able to move its legs freely.

So I’ll make full use of this, and smash the spider’s head with Iron Second!!


The spider let out confused shrieks as if it was the first time it had felt pain.

As one would expect, the great sword that should be used with two hands can’t quite put enough power with only one hand. The sword smashed against the spider’s head, but it failed to severe it and could only stop at the surface.

––– Don’t hold back! Let him have it!

I raised my broken arm, and I pushed the large, double-edged sword into the spider’s head.

Green bodily liquid spurted all over my body as blue blood from my shoulder dyed the spider’s head, blue.

“Gu, nuuaaaAAaa!”

I exerted all of my strength and pushed the great sword in the spider’s head.

But at the same instant, I felt pain in my stomach, and I was pushed away.

The spider had swept me with its foreleg.

“Gu, ha!”

I coughed dark-blue blood out.

––– This is… my chance!

Supporting my body with my remaining arm, I endured the fatigue and pain as I stood up once more.

My sword is still stuck into the spider.

I don’t have a weapon.

But that doesn’t matter. I’ve already come this far. Whether I have a weapon or not, whether I have a strong body or not, and whether there’s a difference in strength between races… none of that matters!

The only thing that matters is the will to live.

And this instinct that’s screaming inside me to kill my opponent.


I bellowed out a cry from the bottom of my stomach, and blue blood came spurting along with it, but the blood was irrelevant.

With my remaining strength, I kicked off against the ground, and with one arm dangling, I swung my last remaining arm.

The spider responded to my howl!

The staggering spider looked at me with those red-black eyes of it that’s flowing with green bodily liquid.


Driven by instinct, it rushed my direction with my sword still stuck to it.

Completely absorbed, I moved my legs, and I swung my arms.

At the same time, the spider unleashed its sharp, long limbs at me.

In an instant, it was if everything had slowed down. The world, and everything in it, had come to a near halt, and all the sounds in the world seem to have left.

––– We greeted each other with a howl.

––– And we fought each other with nothing but our fists.

––– [Skill] <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>> activated.

Unintentionally, the skill’s conditions were met, and power filled my body.

Each step against the ground was brimming with power, pushing me against the ground faster than ever.

But still, the spider’s attack was still a moment faster!

It was just that fast.

Both of us aiming for each other, the spider’s limbs to my head, and my fist to its head. Both were mid-flight, neither able to stop.


In a move of desperation, I moved my head.

I pushed my agility to its limits, and mustered everything I could out of my muscles.

Heat rushed through the side of my forehead.

Not yet ––––!

I need one more step!

At that moment, I saw the foreleg of the spider, swinging, from the corner of my eyes.

If it hits, everything will be for naught. I don’t have any strength left. And my body’s even gone cold from all the bleeding.


Despite all that, I have to take this last step!

I took the step, and with all my power focused, I let loose that contracted arm, unleashing a torrent of power into the spider’s head.


I yelled.

Let the spider’s head be crushed together with the cry of the earth!

My fist sunk into the spider’s head, penetrating it, and smashing it into the ground.

“Haa… haa…”

The death match decided, time and sound returned.

“Haa… haa…”

The spider, impaled into the ground, can no longer move.

The only thing I can hear is my breath.

The only thing I can feel, the burning pain and fatigue.

The world is blurry… I can’t think anymore.


“I won…”

Like that I lost my consciousness.


You have levelled up.

Level 45 -> 99.

[Skill] <<Dance at Death’s Border>> acquired.

Your strength will increase relative to how close you are to death.

When only 1/3 of your life is remaining, physical strength 20% UP, agility 20% UP.

When only 1/5 of your life is remaining, physical strength 30% UP, agility 30% UP.

When only 1/10 of your life is remaining, physical strength 40% UP, agility 40% UP.


Author’s Note: 

“Make the fight scenes more detailed! ”

Was requested, so I tried making it detailed.

[Skill] will activate when the basic conditions are fulfilled.

Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 10: The Victor and the Defeated



Chapter 10: The Victor and the Defeated

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 43
[Class] Noble; Horde Chief
[Possessed Skills] <<Horde Commander>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C+>> <<Avarice>> <<Distant Soul>> <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>> <<Eyes of the Blue Snake>>
[Divine Protection] Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia
[Attributes] Darkness, Death

After we repelled the humans who invaded the village, we went back to the village with the four humans, two female and two males, as prisoners. There, Gi Ga and the old goblin welcomed us back home with a hint of tear in their eyes.

It’s only expected, after all the village is an environment where it could diminish while the leader’s away.

Taking the opportunity to show off the difference in strength between me and the goblins, I took the Iron Second (Large Steel Sword) I stole from the human swordsman, and carried it over my shoulder,

The king is strong, you can’t win.

By showing that to them, be it consciously or unconsciously, every day, then the chances of them rebelling will also dwindle.

Then again they are stupid, so they might eventually forget anyway.

I had the prisoners imprisoned in one of the buildings, separating the males from the females. I made sure to confiscate anything that could be used as a weapon as it wouldn’t be any fun if they commited suicide. After all, these are the first humans I’ve made contact with since coming to this world.

From the battle a while ago, communication seems to be possible. So with that in mind, I want as much information as possible.

And above all else… the existence of magic.

That woman, Reshia Fel Zeal. I don’t know about the gods’ genealogy, but I feel as if there’s some sort of fate around her. If the chance presents itself, I’d like to ask if there’s something between the goddess of the underworld and the goddess of healing.

Amethyst colored pupils, blue hair extending until her shoulder, and annoyingly, a perfect face so beautiful that it looks as if it was given to her by the god of beauty. In fact, even I, a monster, can’t help but be charmed by her. Her small, damp lips, draw my eyes to her. And those gentle, wide-opened eyes of hers with the benevolence of a goddess seem to be shaking in distress.

Seeing that, desire jolted within my body, and I made a cruel smile.

If this continues, I’ll definitely fall to ruin.

Amused, I watched on at that destructive rampage lying before my eyes that was very much like a car speeding towards a cliff.

This so-called jail is really nothing more than a reinforced shed that was originally for animals.

Throwing the two women into the jail, the edges of my mouth twisted, and a vicious smile could be seen as I spoke to them.

“Don’t think of running away. At the very least, I don’t plan on hurting you as long as you stay here.”

That female swordsman has her guard up as always, while I can’t figure out what Reshia is thinking with that expressionless face of hers.

“If you run, I’ll eat the men. And if you commit suicide, I’ll do the same.”

The female swordsman didn’t appear to have been affected by those words, but Reshia on the other hand, a strong gleam of will seem to have been lit within her eyes as she looked at me.

“It’s a thought for the gods. What you should do to survive that is.”

Having only said those words, I left the place.

“The king, himself, will punish anyone who dares to lay his filthy hands on the spoils!”

I faced the gathered goblins in the village, and declared that. And then, I distributed the food.

After I assigned which goblins to take over guard duty for the night, I went to sleep.


“Zenobia, why?”

I can hear the sad voice of a woman.

“It was I who fell into hades… and yet! Why are you the only one who receives father’s affection!?”

It was because of the love of their father, the ancestor god who birthed the earth, Ativ.

That who shouldn’t be loved was loved. And the grief of the woman could not cease wherever it went.

Ahh, if I could only… take the place of that woman, then…

That cursed voice looked up from the depths of the darkness and strangled my neck.


“… This is why gods are shit.”

Pushing something unneeded onto me.

Rather than a god, aren’t you closer to a demon?

I stretched my back once, and shook off the dregs of that nightmare.

If I could only take the place of that woman.

The traces of that nightmare inside my head were like thick soil sucking me in.

“Well done. Looks like you didn’t run away.”

That was the first thing I mentioned when I got to the jail where Reshia and the female swordsman were.

I did consider them running away, but if it’s like this, then getting them to spit out information might be easier than expected.

Without speaking another word, I smiled viciously at them and left. First thing’s food.

The three man cell still hasn’t shown any results. I guess it can’t be helped. Suddenly making the goblins work as a three man cell… of course it’ll be quite difficult.

There’re some groups that aren’t doing too bad though. As long as they find an impetus, they should be able to get some results, but…

Well until then, I’ll have to do my best.

It’s also a good opportunity to try out that Iron Second (Large Steel Sword) that I got yesterday. So with that in mind, I headed towards the lake with Gi Ga and the first three goblins to take a walk.

Part of my goal was to hunt the preys that come to drink water.

“King, there’s a herd of Eirel Deer (Spear Deer).”

What passed before our eyes was a herd of spear deer. The spear deer have large horns that’re sharp at the tip. If you get hit by those, you’ll probably die. As for its body, it’s covered with hard fur all over.

From the looks of things, their leader appears to be quite good as the bucks are all together, keeping the does and fawn protected.

In a one versus one situation, the spear deer are above the goblins. They could be on par with the goblin rare, Gi Ga, or perhaps even stronger… But what’s more is that they’re moving shrewdly with a leader guiding them.

I made the goblins ready their throwing stones, while I, alone, went to close in to the herd.

I ordered Gi Ga to pay attention to the surroundings, and slowly, we, along with the stone throwing goblins, surrounded the herd.

When we finally got close enough, the herd were already aware of us. But even then, they continued to drink water at their leisure.

Looks like they’re quite confident that they can run away. Certainly, that decision isn’t wrong… if I were a wild animal that is.


Bellowing out the overpowering howl, I quickly rose up from the ground, and carried the large steel sword on my shoulder. Without stopping, I rushed at the herd of spear deer. And in response, the herd ran the opposite direction I appeared.

But over there is where the stone throwing goblins are waiting. The herd of deer immediately turned, but unfortunately for them, that was more than enough time for me.

As I overtook the last amongst the herd, I swung my large steel sword down, aiming at the neck of a spear dear. It was still a fawn as its horn was still small and thin.

I felt my sword weigh down on its meat, crushing even its bones. Having felled one, I quickly moved on to my next prey and ran.

What entered my field of vision next was a fully grown buck.

In order to protect the herd that had turned back, the buck headed towards me. I brought my sword high and swung it down against the buck. But a hard sound resounded as the deer’s horns managed to stop my sword.

It wielded its two large horns like a trident, and struggled to keep me from getting close. But I calmly dodged that, and instantly closed the distance between me and the deer that jumped back.

Having completely entered my range, the deer’s leg was crushed by my large sword, making it unable to move. I then finished it off, ending its suffering.

I had my subordinates carry the two deer as we went back to the village. By the time we got there, it was almost noon.

I inserted my dagger through the deer’s wound, and skinned it off. This pelt could probably be turned into some clothes.

I gave the liver to the larvae goblins, while I took the intestines for myself first. Afterwards, the rest of the goblins began to eat voraciously.

Aside from the deer, we also had three triple boars, some rabbits, and some leaves for our breakfast.

Amongst those, I took the rabbit, quickly skinned it, and removed its organs.

After that I grilled it with fire and dry wood, and then I took it with me to the jail.


The female swordsman was suspicious, while Reshia was emotionless and on guard as always.

I didn’t really expect them to let their guard down with just something like this.

I left the rabbit meat covered in blood in front of the jail, while I went to prepare another one which I brought to the two men.

These ones looked at me with fear instead, and ate it as soon as I gave it to them.

Hmph. Being scared witless, these two are still some ways off.

Leaving those two, I went back to where the two female where.

“… Why are you giving us food?”

“This is a deal. If you don’t mind, that is.”

Reshia’s stomach continued to cry out in hunger, but even then, she refused to touch the meal in front of her and only stared at me. I responded with an evil smile.

“I will you use you and your friends. In that time, I won’t kill you, and I also won’t harm you.”
“In other words, we get to live as long as we’re useful.”
“Lowly monster! What are you scheming!?”

The corners of my mouth twisted upwards at the female swordsman’s abuse.

“And who was it that was done in by this “lowly monsters”? Hmm? Even though the reason that you’ve fallen in a place like this is because of your ability…”

The female swordsman turned beet red in anger at that low-toned sneering. She tried to say something, but Reshia stopped her.


Reshia shook her head, stopping the female swordsman, and Reshia stared at me again. What is it that glitters in those amethyst eyes of hers I wonder? Is it wisdom? Or is it an indomitable will to fight? Well, whatever it is, I’ll be enjoying myself.

This woman must become a stepping stone for me.

“And? What is it that you want us to do?”
“Give birth.”

In an instant, Reshia stiffened. That response was more than enough to make me smile wryly as the corners of my mouth twisted up.

“I jest.”

As Reshia was relieved from the bottom of her heart, the female swordsman exploded in anger.

“You bastard!”
“I want you to take care of the healing. And at the same time, I want you to sew some things for me.”

Interrupting the female swordsman’s fit, I said that.

“B-But I’m an adventurer!”

The female swordsman, Lili, was beet red in anger. And as if provoking her, I responded.

“And this ‘adventurer’ of yours can’t sew?”
“Tch… I got it…”
“Also, when I feel like it, I want you to answer my questions.”
“Is that all?”
“Yes, that’s all.”

Reshia looked at me dubiously.


That gaze carried with it a hint of displeasure. And without showing any fear, Reshia asked me a question.

“I have three questions. One, what happened to Chinos and Mattis? And would you happen to know a woman named Finra?”
“I gave those men the same work and food I gave you. If they’re useful, I’ll let them live. If not, then they have no right to live. As for the women this swarm had kidnapped, they’re all already dead. As for whether that’s Finra or not, I wouldn’t know.”

Lili became more and more hostile at my response, but in contrast, Reshia was like a student seeking an answer as she absorbed the answers I gave her.

“Please tell me your name.”
“… I don’t have a name. If you want to call me something, then call me king.”
“I see.”

Reshia didn’t seem to be disappointed at all as she mumbled that. Having answered her questions, I left.

It might be because of [Skill] <<Insurgent Will>> that I didn’t feel the same urge I felt yesterday.

Well, it’s good even if I was only able to confirm that.


You have levelled up.

43 -> 45


Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 9: Zenobia’s Follower



Chapter 9: Zenobia’s Follower

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 43
[Class] Noble; King of a Group
[Possessed Skills] <<Commander of a Group>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C+>> <<Avarice>> <<Wandering Soul>>
[Divine Protection] Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia
[Attributes] Darkness, Death

“Ku… Monster!”

The female swordsman’s hair was red like lilies, flowing, as she hurled insults towards me one after another. Perhaps she’s noticed it already. That there’s no longer anything she can do. And with no other path left, she’s resorted to attacking me mentally. Or then again, she might simply be trying to rid the anxiety of the person behind her.


The thickets swayed, and my subordinates came out group by group. They then gathered around the surviving humans, rose their voices as if to threaten, and began hitting the ground with their clubs.

Watching that scene, the humans’ blood left their faces, and they became pale in fear.

Now, how should I play with these?

As I thought that to myself, the nun the female swordsman was covering caught my attention.

Light overflowed from the girl’s hands, wrapping the unconscious axe-wielding man in light. As that light wrapped the man, the flowing blood stopped.

“Let solace be blesseth to all (Heal).”

At that moment, I was watching in fascination as I looked on from the side at the nun whose eyes were closed.

It was as if all of man’s greed had vanished in that instant. An inhuman elegance that mustn’t be trampled.

It was before my very eyes. Yet it felt as if I couldn’t reach her even if I were to reach out my hands. A height that was beyond my reach.

I want you.

The stretching hand from that sea of longing grasped my entrails, jolting my entire being, and bringing me down to the ground.

I was brought down to my knees, my head, bowed, and my posture prostrated before her feet.

If only…

If I could only pluck that flower, then…

Even if my dreams were to be –

I strongly shut my eyes and shook my head to those resounding thoughts.

Someone is interfering with my thoughts. It’s making me nauseous.

The screams of grief and lamentation lashed out against me, causing my brain felt like it could burst to flames at any moment.

Longing, longing for my beloved, that seemingly endless anguish of madness that is desire tightened itself around my neck, strangling me.

“Fucker, who are you!?”

Filled with hatred, I stared at that unseen being.

It was penetrating into my brain fluids! Into my soul even, directly assaulting my very being, I could not help but hold my head in pain as I unsheathed my sword.

It was so intense that only repugnance could come out of my mouth.

I continued to breathe out roughly while the tip of my sword trembled at my will and pain.

“I am Reshia Fel Zeal, servant of the goddess of healing, Zenobia.”

Her amethyst-like eyes seized me. The goddess of healing, Zenobia. It was that, that was causing something within me to scream.

“GruuuaAaaAAaaA a aa a aa a a a!!!”


The female swordsman came rushing at that opening.

She held her sword high, and with a slash, she aimed for my lowered head.

But, it’s slow. I reflexively brought my sword up, crashing with her falling sword.

My stronger sword went against the female swordsman’s sword that was backed by centrifugal force, repelling it away. Having put too much power, my arms screamed in pain at the recoil, but I don’t have time to bother with that right now.

Continuing like that, the female swordsman fell to the ground without any time to fix her posture.

But at that moment, instead of attacking, I faltered to my knees.

I cut my own knees with my sword, and as blood flowed, I regained my consciousness.

Kill –––

If I don’t kill this woman now, the one who’s going to be eaten is me.

That thought which could be said to be instinctual flashed at the back of my head.

Seething with bloodlust, what stood before my gaze was a holy woman revered by humans.

“Please, run, Reshia-sama.”

That holy woman gently shook her head at the incapacitated female swordsman.

“For me to abandon you guys… Let solace be blesseth to all (Heal).”

In a twinkle, the female swordsman’s wound was healed.

“Kuk kuk kuk kuk…”

What came out of my mouth was a low-toned sneer.

Devoured? Me?

I ended up laughing at my own thoughts.

Fuck off…


I’m going to become a king!




“Catch them. And absolutely do NOT hurt them!”

Blood rushing to my head, my pupils focused on the holy woman as I ordered my subordinates to catch them.

Watch me. I’m going to surpass you.

I refuse to accept you bastards that mess with my thoughts.


[Skill] <<Defiant Will>> has leveled up to <<Insurgent Will>>

From now on this skill will mitigate not only the pressure from monsters, but also from far higher races.

Spiritual reliance on the Goddess of the Underworld has weakened.

You are defending against the mental attacks of the Goddess of the Underworld.

Because of the weakened mental attack from the Goddess of the Underworld, the urge towards the Goddess of Healing will be soothed.

[Skill] <<Wandering Soul>> will evolve.

<<Distant Soul>> acquired. <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>> acquired.

[Skill] Because you have acquired the skill <<Distant Soul>>, the loyalty of your subordinates will increase. The influence you receive from the gods will also decrease.

[Skill] Because you have acquired the skill <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>>, in the instance where you name yourself and fight against an opponent with the same weapon, then you will receive physical strength 20% UP, Agility 20% UP, and Damage received will be reduced by 20%.

[Skill] <<Eyes of the Green Snake>> acquired. If your opponent’s number is lesser than your subordinates’, then you will be able to see their weak point regardless of level.


Author’s Note:

A heroine candidate finally makes an appearance.

Eh? But the protagonist’s not human?

That’s exactly why it’s exciting!

Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 8: Intruder



Chapter 8: Intruder

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 32
[Class] Noble; King of a Group
[Possessed Skills] <<Commander of a Group>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C->> <<Avarice>> <<Wandering Soul>>
[Divine Protection] Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia
[Attributes] Darkness, Death

With the immediate threat gone, I began to formulate a plan on how to expand our area of living.

Right now, the area around the abandoned building is able to provide more than enough food for us to live on. There’s also a lake, so there’s no shortage of water.

Moreover, there’re no shortage of animals to be hunted.

However, my dream isn’t something that will end in a remote place like this. Even if I announce myself as king here, only around 50 goblins will submit to me.

That’s not enough. It’s not enough at all.

I don’t even know where in this world I am.

There are humans in this world, so there should be another existence that lives on this land who holds an authority separate from ours.

Whether that existence be a dragon, a human, or perhaps something else altogether.

The first thing is to understand the geography of the surrounding area.

How far does this forest extend? Is there something outside the forest? And from where to where are the dangerous areas in the forest?

In order to collect that information, and in order to make them understand that which is called an organization, I have to educate the goblins.

And so I made the goblins work in a three-man cell system that I created, and let them hunt that way.

Every three male goblin worked as a group, hunting their preys with traps and tools.

At the same time, I only permitted copulation with the female goblins to the three-man cells that achieved excellent results.

Perhaps it’s because some of my humanity still remains that I fail to to feel any sort of compassion towards the female goblins.

… Should I be happy about this?

I call the area that the former estranged group lived in, the boundary when travelling by foot. It’s an area that’s relatively safe with plenty of traps having been prepared.

Having left the command of the hunts to Gigu and Giga, I went to explore the still unexplored areas.

When it comes to the untrodden areas of the forest, the first thing I should check is the vicinity of the lake.

The distance from the village to the lake by foot is around half a day. For my equipment, all I had was a Pelt Armor we got from defeating the orcs, two long swords, and a dagger.

It might be too light, but I have to increase the overall strength of the group, so it can’t be helped if these are all I have.

I have already thrown everything that seemed useable to the goblins, and I’m only exploring around the lake for my own sake, so it should be fine.

Hiding in the bushes, I searched for any enemy.

Right now I’m more than a match for an orc, but there might be creatures stronger than me in this forest. Like the giant spider, or an orc I’ve never seen before, or perhaps a lizard man. And then there’re the kobolds. They’re weaker than goblins, but they’re quite troublesome if they work together. I haven’t seen one yet though.

But more than that, what’s really bothering me is the fact that I don’t trust the goblins.

In other words, I’m always living in fear of their betrayal.

After all, they’re beasts. Even if they speak words like humans, and try to live like humans, they are not humans. That’s why there are things that’s impossible to make them comprehend. And so it’s not strange at all for me to look for a place I can fit in inside that.

In the height of hunting, I cornered a strong enemy and killed it. I later realized that I couldn’t remember anything except that elated sensation. And just like when I’d hurt them, I felt anger rush to my head so much so that it felt like it was going to burst.

That sensation was repulsive.

I’m turning into a monster. I can feel it.

I can see an illusion of my mind merging into my body.

Without any clear line, it feels as if I’m being dragged into some sort of destiny.

Grating, I bit my teeth.

This isn’t funny.

I am going to become a king by my own will!

I’m going to rule over the monsters!

I’m going to rule over men!

And… and…


As those wandering thoughts spun in my mind, the first creature I’d seen in this forest passed by my eyes.

Earth colored rabbit covered in armor, an armor rabbit. I stared at it as it led five others as to eat grass.

–––– Now that I think about it, I am quite hungry.

Suddenly recalling my hunger, I gradually shortened the distance between my prey and myself.

Inch by inch, I crawled towards the armor rabbit. Then all of the sudden its ears braced, and it noticed me approaching.

–––– It noticed!

The instant I thought that, I sprinted.

Rushing as fast as I could, I swung my sword as I barely caught up with it.

But as if they had known that my sword would come, the armored rabbits ran in scattered directions. Settling for the still small rabbit, I resisted the urge to swing my blade down, and leaped once more.

As the rabbit was about to run away, I threw a blow strong enough to hollow the ground.

Its neck sent flying, the flowers of blood bloomed, and it lay lifeless on the ground.

I took its lifeless body into my hand, and took a bite out of it from its armor. My teeth sunk into it, but it was unusually hard.

At this rate my fangs might end up breaking instead, so I used my dagger to strip off its armor, and eat only the meat.

Although it was small, it felt like it ended as soon as I put it into my mouth. And all that was left was a wearisome sensation.

Sheathing my sword, I tried crunching the remaining small bones, but my teeth couldn’t go through. I looked closely at the armor rabbit’s armor.

Looking at the splattered neck, it can be seen that only the part around the neck was the armor slightly thinner.

Looks like my hunt’s success was only out of luck. If I had hit its armor, my sword may have been sent flying back instead.


I breathed out unconsciously. There’s no need to brood any more on this.

More than that, I wonder if it’s possible to use this as armor. However, in order to do that, a specialist with knowledge in sewing, and the ability to mold this into a shape that’ll protect the vitals is necessary.

I tried cutting off the unnecessary parts with a short sword, but it’s not really going well. This kind of delicate work is just really not suited for goblin hands.

Looks like I’ll need to get a human to make this.

In the end, I decided to just take it back home since it might be useful later.

I opened a hole in the pelt part of the armor, inserted a rope of ivy through it, fastened it, and carried it on my back.

──Alright, let’s move on.

Walking through the bushes, I surveyed the vicinity of the lake till sunset.

My spoils for the day include three pelts of armor rabbits, and the fang and hide of a small alligator with wings called shape alligator.


By the time I came back, there was a commotion in the village.

I knitted my brows at the tumult, and called out.

“What’s all the commotion about?”


The old goblin respectfully bowed to me, but it seemed to be in a state of excitement.

“It’s humans. The humans have come into the forest.”

Surprisingly, it was actually quite a troubling issue.

“How many? What are their equipment?”

Giga stepped before me.

“Six humans. Two with axe, two with sword, one spear. Female, two.”

It’s too early. I knew that we’d eventually have to make contact with the humans, but this timing is…

Moreover, I don’t know what their objective is.

Why did they come here? To subjugate us? No, it’s not like we…

At that moment, I remembered the kidnapped women.

If that’s their purpose, then it’d be impossible for them to be anything else but an enemy.

It’s possible that they could’ve come here to investigate.

What to do? What to do!?

Should I do it? But even if I hold it off for now, they’ll come back. What’s most difficult is having to deal with the humans’ relentless attack. I’m human, so I know. If the humans were to be driven by hate, by malice, or perhaps by fear, then their tenacity will shoot through the roof.

Then should I run? Where? A place I could run to with all my subordinates, is there such a place? Even if we were to go in the night, beasts that move during the night, like the giant spider, could attack us, causing needless casualties.

What to do? What to do!?

“King, your orders.”

I looked down on the servile, old goblin, and pondered. I could also just abandon these guys.

“Have the humans entered the forest before?”

The old goblin folded its arms as it curiously looked up to me.

“The humans find themselves lost in the forest several times in a year.”

Several times in a year? That’s not too bad. It’s been a month since I’ve been born into this world.

If I could buy at least a month’s time, then I should at least be able to grow bigger than I am now.

“We’ll kill the humans. Gigu, prepare. Giga, keep watch while we’re out.”

Taking 40 goblins with me, I ran into the forest.

Under the twilight, we moved as fast as possible while making sure not to encounter the giant spiders and the giant skink lizards.

Being able to perceive the location of the humans was thanks to my strengthened night vision, which was even stronger than the goblins’.

The humans roamed, walking, with a torch in their hand while they raised their voices.

Confirming the humans’ locations, I ordered the goblins to be quiet and to pick up some stones. Then I inclined my ears to listen to the humans.

“Finra, say something!”
“Where are you!?”

They seem to be looking for someone.

The two men that wielded an axe had their backs bent, seemingly appearing to be unversed in the ways of fighting. Contrary to that, the man and woman who carried a sword with them exuded a dangerous aura.

But what I can’t comprehend are the two in the center. A man and woman who wore religious clothing.

I fail to see any traces of strength in them, but my nose is telling me that these two are the most dangerous ones. You could also say that I’m just feeling uneasy. But those two are giving off a strange atmosphere.

The man gives off an ominous aura, while the girl is giving off an overwhelming, divine aura. That’s the kind of power I can see hidden inside those two.

I wasn’t enthusiastic at first, but now that the prey’s are here, my face can’t help but twist into a smile.

With my subordinates concealed, I appeared before the six humans, and stood at the center of that narrow animal trail.

“What’s your business, human?”

In order to see their reaction, I asked them that while using <<Overpowering Howl>> at the same time.

To that, the two men wielding an axe, and the female swordsman faltered.

But the friar, the nun, and the male swordsman didn’t appear to be affected at all.

The enraged voice of my <<Defiant Will>> howled from the depths of my soul.

“Why is there a high-class goblin here!?”

The male swordsman opened his eyes wide. And the two axe-wielding men began to gradually step down.

“To think it could even speak human language… It’s fairly high-ranked, be careful!”

Yelled the friar, as he stepped forward to cover the nun.

I calmly probed their individual movements.

“Umm… if we can talk, then if we tried talking –––“

As my ears picked up the whispering voice of the nun, the friar interfered.

“Impossible. That’s a monster, you know!”

Seemingly having been pushed by everyone else’s opinion, the nun was made to step back. As I glanced at her, I concluded that she isn’t the main force of the group, rather, she’s the weak point.

“Keifen, can I leave it to you?”

Responding to the friar’s words, the male swordsman stepped forward. The aura oozing out of the man was heavy. The man appeared to be an experienced swordsman. But he still appears to be in his twenties… or is he actually in his thirties?

The man wielded a thick, massive, blade that needed two hands to carry.

“Don’t hate me, this too is destiny!”

As I thought he was going to bring the massive, double-edged sword to his shoulder, the man shortened the distance of ten steps to a zero with fearful rush.

── Not good!

Concluding that in an instant, I quickly moved back as I threw my dagger.

That sword smashed against the place I was standing at without the tiniest bit of deviation, hollowing a huge hole in the ground.

That hole was enough for a goblin to fully enter, causing me to be dumbstruck for a moment.

── This is the power of a human?

The dagger I’d thrown has been broken into two, scattered besides the swordsman.

Planning to give chase, a faint light covered the swordsman’s body. While the friar behind him formed spells as he whispered something.

“There’s no point in arguing about it, huh?”

Then in that case, there’s no choice but to fight as a monster to my heart’s content. Man against beast, if it’s that kind of setting, then… I have a fighting style that’s perfectly suited.

“Do it.”

I yelled with my <<Overpowering Howl>>, ordering my subordinates to throw the stones.

Even if it’s only a bunch of stones, having stones the size of a fist thrown at you from the thickets from both sides simultaneously is not something laughable.

The stones came flying one after another. And some of them hit the two axe-wielding men, knocking them unconscious.

“Reshia-sama!? Not good!”

Even the friar’s leg was injured. The female swordsman covered the nun as she screamed, while the male swordsman only temporarily lost his focus.

However, I wouldn’t miss that small opening that I’d been waiting for.

I kicked myself off the ground with all my strength, sprinting at my fastest. Then I grabbed the swordsman’s face that was twisted in fright, and swung my sword in a flash.

I felt my sword sink into his flesh as that speedy sword came to a stop. And with his left leg sunken into the ground, half of his body turned over with it as the axis. At the same time I turned to face the swordsman, I swung my sword once more from the back, aiming at his neck.

“Ku… god blesseth us his protection (Shield)”

At the friar’s response that was too late, a wall expanded around them. This is probably that thing called magic. A semi-circle shaped, colorless wall stood in the air, repelling the stones, causing the crushed stones’ particles to spread around the wall.

Then blood spurted from inside that membrane.

The swordsman’s body slowly fell into the ground.

With the resounding screams as accompaniment, I wielded my sword high once more. The friar is in the way.

“Lili, take Reshia with you, and run!”

A ball of fire formed at the palm of the friar.

“Pour the grace of god to flame! (Fire Ball).”

A lump of fire the size of a fist came flying in a straight line, aiming for my head. Bending over, I dodged it, and at the same I went down on my limbs like a beast, and rushed towards the friar.

With a low sword stance, I attacked from that beast like position.

“You, monster…”

The chipped blade scooped out the entrails of the friar, penetrating his back through his abdominal cavity. The friar spouted all manners of curses as blood came out of his mouth. But the friar continued to block my path, and I could see what could be called that of a religious fanatic surface in his eyes.

“We art the disciples of god. Quiv’r not will we ‘ere death. The vanguards of the devil –“

Unable to hold myself back at that vilification, I pierced the friar with my sword, and gouged out his entrails.

The friar screamed as if his soul had just been withdrawn.

Right before his god summons his soul, I decided to pay my respects. I brought my mouth close to him, and whispered by his ear with a voice loud enough only for him alone to hear.

“You know that tasty looking girl? I’m going to kill her as I play with her.”

The friar opened his eyes in fright as he breathed his last breath.

Which woman did he thought of, I wonder.

I pulled the chipped blade sword out of the lifeless friar with all my strength. And with a swing, the clots of blood clinging to the sword were all brushed off.

Those clots of blood came splattering towards the female swordsman’s face who was covering the nun.

Shaking, the female swordsman pointed her sword at me.

When I saw that, I unconcsiously twisted my face into a sadistic smile.


Item: Acquired Iron Second (Large Steel Sword)

[Level] Rose from 32 -> 43

[Skill] Swordsmanship C- has progressed to C+


Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 7: Bloodbath



Chapter 7: Bloodbath

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 14
[Class] Noble; King of a Group
[Possessed Skills] <<Commander of a Group>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C->> <<Avarice>> <<Prowling Demon>>
[Divine Protection] Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia
[Attributes] Darkness, Death


After the night had left, I noticed the changes in my status.

The divine protection of the Goddess of the Underworld… huh?

My lips twisted.

Don’t fuck with me.

What the hell do you think a person’s heart is!?

But I leave it at that. Thinking anything more than this is troublesome, so I went outside and asked the old goblin about it.

Apparently the so-called divine protection is something that is generally decided by the gods, and is something that we mortals have no control over.

“Fuckers” that was my impression of the gods.

But after a bit, I changed my mind.

I ordered myself to calm down. If you’re a cruel monster, then act like it. If something is useful, then make use of it. I suppressed that seething anger deep within me like lava. If I couldn’t even do this, then what right do I have to call myself, king? But then again, why? Why did I – to someone who might have been my mother – do such a thing?

Regarding [Attributes], it is apparently possible to demonstrate specialized magic based on one’s divine protection.


I kind of expected this, but the fact that there really was something like this made me let out a strained laugh.

“Precisely,” seriously replied the old goblin. According to the old goblin’s explanation a class known as druid appears to be able to use it, but there aren’t any in the village.

Considering how little this village has, I’m not surprised.

But there is something I’m concerned about regarding our war potential.

“Is there anyone who can control beasts?”

“If wild dogs are fine, then…”

Apparently the beasts one can use depends on one’s level. And right now, the most the goblins in this village can do is to raise three wild dogs.

I suppose this can be considered ‘not bad’, all things considered. As long as their level is raised, then it should be possible to make use of even triple boars and double heads.

But really, three wild dogs? What’s the difference with just raising them up normally?

I kept that tsukkomi at the back of my head, and nodded. I suppose the war potential of the village is only this much. All that’s left is the variation of the environment, but that’s something that depends on the scouting of the former leader, Gi Gu.

While that goblin is still out, the spear wielding Gi Ga has already returned. His spoils for the day include a double head, a rabbit, a snake and some fruits.

There’s actually quite a lot. As expected, having a lot of people is really good.

The biggest spoil for the day is the double head. Who would’ve thought they’d actually be able to kill this big of a beast?

As a reward I should give him that rusted iron spear.

Gi Ga was deeply touched at my action, so I had to deal with that, after which I then went to distribute the meal amongst the people in the village.


It was evening by the time the reconnaissance team led by Gi Gu came back. I let them have their fill as I listened to their report.

There are 5 orcs all in all, and they work separated during the day and night.

Three work during the night, while the other two work in the day.

I thought that was all he would be able to find out, so I was quite surprised when I found out he was even able to investigate their routes.

Gi Gu, quite a thinker.

I granted him the best part of the double head’s meat, and had him leave after I told him to be the guide tomorrow.

Now, what should I do?


The next day we went out to hunt the orcs.

I took over 20 goblins with me, with Gi Gu and Gi Ga as heads.

Then when we got to our destination, we laid some ropes made out of vines at my feet.

There are plenty of open roads amongst the places that the orcs like to travel. And even when patrolling, they try to make it so that there’s no thatches or trees around them.

Right now, I’m standing in the way of their route with the goblins hiding in the bushes at my left and right

And then the orcs came.

I gripped my chipped sword, and with a simple provocation, the orcs came rushing at me like a bunch of brainless fools.


At my signal, the ropes scattered at my feet were all simultaneously pulled.

As the ropes were pulled, the orcs tripped on it and fell. One of them were down for the count, but the other was able to recover its stance.

But it was already too late.

As the orc somehow recovered its stance, my sword came flying at it. And in a flash, its head was smashed. Spinal fluids came gushing forth as the orc fell lifeless to the ground.

The other orc tried to stand up, but the ropes were pulled again.

The orc unmoving, I went for its legs.

Blood flowing, its two legs rolled away. And as the orc screamed, my face twisted into a smile.

“Do it.”

The goblins came out of the thickets, carrying the spears I’d made out of wood for them.

Regardless of how tough an orc’s skin is, the eyes, the mouth, and the wounds are all fair game… right?

Blood spurting, spears piercing, an orc screaming.

The symphony of torture played in the open road, leading the orc to death’s embrace.


As a result, my level rose, but my class didn’t change.

I was hoping another goblin rare would come out, but unfortunately that also didn’t happen.

When we tried eating the orc’s meat, we found out that it was indescribably delicious, so we brought it back home to feed to the larvae.

When night came, we went to hunt the rest of the orcs.

I’ve already sent some goblins to monitor the orcs’ home. As soon as they move out, we’ll give chase.

But before then, I figured I’d prepare them a gift.

So I painted their route with their comrades’ blood, scattering it in drops, here and there.

Like the brainless fools they are, they will follow that path. But what’s ahead is nothing but hell.

And so, the orcs moved out, and just like I had done during the day, I cut their limbs off。

I killed the first orc, then I gave the other two to the goblins. The goblins wielded their wooden spears, and they pierced the orcs through their wounds.


Like this I killed that entire orc group.

Oh, speaking of which, one of the three orcs had its limbs eaten while it was still alive.

That meat is quite valuable, so we took it along with the things in their home back to the village.

Our spoils of war include armor, long axes, clubs, long swords, and others.

These things are too small for the orcs to use, so they probably plundered these from the village here.

We got quite a bit of spoils, so I guess it’s not bad.

In any case, with this we should at least not have to worry about having our food stolen for a while.

So what’s next is strengthening this group.

It’s true for me as well, but this race called goblin is really too weak. I don’t have any pieces except these goblins, so there’s no other choice but to strengthen them or increase their number.

For the meantime, I’ll make it my goal to have 8 more goblin rares. At the same time, I should also work on levelling up my class. At the very least, I’ll need at least enough strength to cut this guys down if they ever think of rebelling against me. Otherwise, I won’t be able to sleep quietly.


Level has increased from level 14 => Level 32.


Author’s Note:

Orcs are weak!?
That’s not true at all.

Please think of orcs (Normal) as equal to a goblin noble when it comes to strength, with the rest being decided by their equipment, Lv, and skill.

Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 6: Status

Chapter 6: Status

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 14
[Class] Noble; King of a Group
[Possessed Skills] <<Commander of a Group>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C->> <<Avarice>>
[Divine Protection] None


As I focused my consciousness inside my head, I could feel an existence similar to that of a “status”.

When I first heard about this from the old goblin from the village, I was greatly bewildered. However, I quickly came to understand just how important this was when it came to understanding my own abilities.

According to the old goblin all one needed to do was for one to focus his or her own consciousness inside his mind, and something reminiscent of a “status” will come out.

But to think that it would actually give such precise numbers. Moreover, these words… and on top of these, there’re levels, skills… and even divine protection?

This world is truly becoming more and more like a real fantasy, and I just can’t help but smile wryly at that thought. Also, I found out that the so-called level up (evolution) that I felt before was actually me going up a class level.

I can understand it just by looking at this status. The level shown is a level within that class.

A level 14 of the class, Goblin Noble. So if I were a goblin rare then it would be something like this:

[Race] Goblin
[Class] Rare; King of a Group

But what’s more is that you can even see the effects of the acquired skills.


<<King of a Group>>: The abilities of your subordinates will slightly increase.

<<Defiant Will>>: Resistance to the pressure of higher races will slightly increase.

<<Overpowering Howl>> Creatures whose classes are lower than one’s self will become slower. If the class is the same, then it will depend on the level. If used towards ones subordinates, it will allow one to force an order.

<<Swordsmanship C->>: Compensates ones swordsmanship.

<<Avarice>>: Increases the number one can lead.

… Normally, one would learn this skill right after being born, and then go out to hunt, but in my case, since I became affiliated with an estranged group, and since that group was estranged it didn’t have a person capable enough to draw it out, so until now I haven’t been able to learn it.

That estranged group is really too impulsive.

According to the old goblin, skills are something that increase as one evolves, and when one clears some special conditions.

I’m extremely grateful to have skills like <<Commander of a Group>> and <<Avarice>> as these are things that are absolutely essential in order to make my ambition a reality..

As for <<Defiant Will>> well… it’s not like nothing comes to mind.

I’m fairly sure this ability took effect while fighting the orc when I was able to move my body. Or alternatively, I may have learned this ability during that moment instead.

Goblins do normally tend to freeze up with just a howl, so I guess they need more guts and fighting spirit.

In fact, now that I think about it, I wonder if the previous leader of this group also had this skill. After all, even though it was like that, he still did have the guts to challenge the orcs.

Then again there’s really no point in thinking about a dead guy. Now, as for swordsmanship, I probably got it from using that chipped long sword. As for the rank, C-, I don’t really know to what extent this is, but it’s probably not too bad. Probably.

Sooner or later it’ll probably be a good idea to try out something else though.

As for <<Overpowering Howl>>, it seems to have quite a number of uses. In fact I’m fairly certain I used this ability when I made the goblin rare yield to capture this settlement.


After I finished analyzing my own abilities, and getting a good grasp of it. What’s next is information.

First of all, how is it that a group with supposedly 50 goblins have become this weak?

It’s true that because of that I was able to avoid needless conflict but…

As I asked the old goblin about it, I once again failed to hold back a wry smile at the goblins’ position in the hierarchy.

Apparently, the goblins were oppressed when a group of orcs migrated nearby. And the goblin rare that yielded to me was actually not the leader back when that estranged group left. By the way, since this goblin rare didn’t have a name, I decided to name him Gi Gu for convenience’s sake.

They have changed leaders 3 times in total so far, so it’s actually easy to tell just how oppressed they were.

I might digress here a bit, but when I gave that goblin rare, Gi Gu, a name, it seems to have been touched, and has now become emotionally attached to me. Apparently, naming is an act that greatly delights the goblins.

Incidentally, the other goblin rare that had just recently evolved and came to like spears was named Gi Ga.

I could’ve named him Mataza, but that was too cool for him, so I didn’t.

Oh? You want to know how I’m naming them?

Well, what else is there to differentiate with aside from their cries?

Afterwards, I made a rule to give a name to any goblin once they evolve into a goblin rare. Then I went to inspect our reserves and weapons.

It was a small village, so finding things weren’t difficult at all. But I was quite sad at how meagre their equipment were.

As for their reserves, well even if I said it was zero it wouldn’t be an exaggeration.

Apparently their spoils for that day was everything.

And it seems that from time to time, when they get an excess of food, they’ll have some leftovers for the next day. But aside from that there’s usually none.

As for their equipment, a damaged pelt armor and a rusted iron spear caught my attention.


Naturally, high class stuff like shield and helms weren’t around.

There were also several axe like things along with forks and small scythes used for farming that originally belonged to the village. But these alone are not enough, so they’ve literally been using only their bodies as their weapons. As a result, the number of injured amongst the goblins have been increasing, and they’ve been greatly disadvantaged in the struggle for survival in the forest.

In order to mend this, I immediately told the spear-wielder Gi Ga to teach the other goblins how to use traps. At the same time I told the goblins that already knew how to, to gather some food. Then I ordered the former leader, Gi Gu, to investigate the orcs’ numbers and location. Just like before, the minimum conditions for success is to come back alive. After I ordered him to find out the area the orcs operated in and their numbers, they all left to do their jobs.

Speaking of which, what’s the village’s non-fighting population? Half?

Well whatever the case is, the ones I can consider as warriors number around 20. While the elders, the larvae, and the rest all number 30.

Those larvae need to grow up and become able to fight as soon as possible.

After the goblins are done learning how to use traps, I should immediately start the education of these larvae.

But the most important matter at hand is still how to increase the population of the goblins. Right now, there are around 10 females in this village. Three of them are larvae, while the other seven are able fighters. And then there’re three more from a different species who were kidnapped, and are now being confined. Their species? Humans. Young female humans. And in fact, some of them were already pregnant.

Surprisingly though, when I saw those girls, I, who has turned into a monster, felt irritation swell up deep inside my chest. Smiling wryly to myself, I quickly expelled those thoughts, and I pondered about their value.

Right now everything is insufficient. But if I had these humans’ help, wouldn’t I be able to posture myself better?

Looking down on them, I called.

“Oi, woman.”

But it was a meaningless endeavor. There was no longer anything inside their eyes. They were like empty holes where nothing neither glimmered nor reflected. And like an endless abyss, their eyes swayed as they muttered pitiful whispers that petitioned for death. Seeing that, I looked down as hatred took me.

Empty dolls… Human dolls.

Humans whose will have been flayed off, and are now living against their will with only one purpose, to give birth to goblins.

“Ahh, I see…”

The moment it hit me that one of these may have given birth to me, I decided to execute them. So with my own hands, I offed their heads in a flash.

In order not to give them anymore pain. In order not to give them anymore suffering, I ended the lives of these women, of which one may have been my mother, quickly and painlessly.

Not a drop of tear was shed.

The old goblin complained to me, but I silenced it with a glare full of killing intent. Then I walked around the shed, piling up dry woods one over another around it, and set it ablaze.

As the red sky was dyed by that flame of requiem, the repose of souls, the shed was thoroughly burnt to cinders.

Why? For what reason did I…

I thought that to myself as I gripped my hand tightly and made a fist.

When the flame died out, my subordinates returned. After I checked the food they brought back, I went to sleep.


[Possessed Skills] Acquired <<Prowling Demon>>
–    This is an unawakened skill. From now on it will change depending on your experience.

[Divine Protection] You have been granted the divine protection of the Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia.
–    The attributes of death and darkness have been added to you.